Against Jesuits, seminary priests and their resetters

2The king's majesty and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve all and whatsoever acts of parliament, secret council and proclamations made of before against Jesuits, seminary priests and trafficking papists and resetters of any of them; and decree and declare that in all time coming the saying of mass, resetting of Jesuits, seminary priests and trafficking papists against the king's majesty and the religion presently professed within this realm is and shall be a just cause to infer the pain and crime of treason both against the Jesuits, mass priests, trafficking papists and resetters of them, providing how soon the Jesuits and seminary priests satisfy the prince and the kirk, the foresaid penalty in no way to strike against the said resetters.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.13r.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.