Regarding manses and glebes in cathedral and abbey kirks

2Our sovereign lord, with advice of the estates of this present parliament, statutes and ordains that the acts of parliament made of before regarding manses and glebes to be given to ministers of God's holy evangel within this realm shall be understood and extended to all abbeys and cathedral kirks within this realm where neither manse nor glebe pertaining to parson or vicar was of before, so that the ministers presently admitted or which hereafter shall happen to be admitted to the office or cure of the ministry within the said kirk shall have a sufficient manse and dwelling place within the precinct of the abbey where he serves, together with four acres of land of the best and most commodious lying contiguous and closest to the said manse, which pertains, or in any time of before pertained, to the said abbey or any member thereof, whether the same land lie within the said precinct or outwith the same, if there be so much as may extend to the quantity of four acres to be designed, inhabited, occupied, laboured, manured, according to the tenor of the acts of parliament made of before regarding manses and glebes to be given to the ministers of God's word within this realm, with special provision that it shall be in the option of the abbots, priors and other prelates and parsons whatsoever, feuars of the said cathedral and abbey places, either to grant a manse to the minister within the precinct of their place or else a sufficient manse lying as near and commodious to the parish kirk.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.11v-12r.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.