Act in favour of Patrick [Adamson], archbishop of St Andrews

2Concerning the supplication presented to our sovereign lord and lords of articles of this present parliament by Patrick, [arch]bishop of St Andrews, making mention that where his highness in the year of God 1584, for diverse great considerations and sums of silver delivered at his majesty's command, granted a pension of £600 and four chalders of horse oats to Patrick Adamson, son to the said archbishop, of the surplus of the thirds of the bishopric of St Andrews, which pension by his highness and three estates in parliament was confirmed thereafter in the parliament held at Linlithgow, notwithstanding since that time there have been diverse assignations and pensions conveyed out of the said silver and victual as if the same had fallen under his highness's revocation, desiring therefore his majesty's declarator in parliament that the same pension, granted in manner aforesaid and for the said causes, did not fall under his highness's revocation, and that all assignations and letters directed thereupon to any other person or persons since the said gift are null and of no effect, and the said bishop to be absolved therefrom as if they had not been given for the past terms only, as at more length is contained in the said supplication. Which being heard, seen and considered by the said lords of articles, they remitted the decision and answer to be given to the said supplication to the king's majesty, to be decided by him as he thought expedient, and howsoever his highness should pronounce and determine therein, the same to be of as great force as if it had been done by special consent of the said lords of articles; and according thereto, the king's majesty being personally present and having accepted the decision of the said matter in and upon him, he gave and pronounced his declarator in the said matter as follows: that is to say, his highness declared and declares that the aforesaid pension falls not nor did not fall under his highness's revocation made at any time before this act, but the same to have remained as a full and sufficient right to the said Patrick for possession of his said pension of all years, crops and terms past since the date thereof, and therefore all other assignations, pensions, decreets, letters, executions, hornings and other pretended titles of the said pension to have been and to be presently and from the beginning null, void, of no value, force nor effect with all that has followed or may follow thereupon, revoking, abrogating and annulling them, ratifying, approving and confirming the said Patrick's pension as said is for the said terms only, ordaining also the lords of session and exchequer to grant letters in accordance with to the said Patrick for answering him thereof and no others for the terms past, according to his highness's declaration.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.121r-v.
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin.