The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 24 January 2025
Act between [David Lindsay], earl of Crawford and the burgh of Dundee
2Concerning the supplication presented to our sovereign lord and lords of articles by David, earl of Crawford, making mention that where, by a charter of alienation of feu ferm from John Ferguson, provincial of the Greyfriars of Dundee, with the consent of the rest of the friars of the said place, transferred to his said late father, David [Lindsay], last earl of Crawford, all and whole their yards, tofts, crofts and meadows, with their pertinents, lying on the north side of the said burgh of Dundee, given out to them of before by his predecessors, upon the which alienation of feu ferm his said late father obtained confirmation, which is ready to be produced before his majesty and lords; nonetheless, as the said earl is informed by a general gift given to the burgh of Dundee of all the gifts and annualrents, etc., pertaining to any friars or altarages within their said burgh, which they desire to be confirmed by a general act in this present parliament, and thereby they intend to take from the said earl his said right and title, therefore desiring if the said act be not passed both their titles be sighted before his majesty and lords that it may be known which of them has the best right for eschewing of longer process; and in case it be passed because the said earl knew not of the same and it is done in his prejudice, he desires presently to be heard in their presence before any further voting in the said matter, as at more length is contained in the said supplication. Which being heard, seen and considered by his highness and estates, our said sovereign lord, with advice of his said estates of parliament, understanding the confirmation of the general gift granted to the burgh of Dundee of the said friars' lands and annualrents, etc., in no way yet to be passed nor granted, ordains the said David, earl of Crawford, to be heard upon the contents and desire of this present supplication, and the same to be read how soon or at what time the town of Dundee or any others in their names give in or suit confirmation to be granted to them of their said general gift of the said friars' lands and annualrents lying within the said burgh appertaining to the same; whereupon the said David, earl of Crawford, asked instruments.
- NAS, PA2/13, ff.114v-115r.
- 'P.' written in margin.