Act in favour of the labourers of the ground troubled by teinding

Item, our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of his three estates, ratifies and approves the act of parliament made at Edinburgh in the year of God 1579 for relief of the labourers of the ground troubled for want of timely teinding of their corns, and ordains the same to be observed and to be put into execution in all points after the form and tenor thereof, with this addition: that it shall be sufficient to all labourers and owners of the corns in time coming to require teinding of the party having the title, tack or right to the said teind sheaves openly in the parish kirk upon two several Sundays before noon after the shearing of the said corns, providing that there be 14 days interjected fully between the day of the first requisition and before it shall be lawful to the owners of the said corns to teind the same and lead the stock from there, in manner contained in the said former act.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.96v.