Commission for the taxation to be granted when it shall please that our sovereign lord shall treat and conclude upon his marriage

2Our sovereign lord and three estates of this present parliament, remembering how necessary and honourable it shall be both for his highness and his realm that the matter of his marriage and charges to be made in that respect shall be honourably and sufficiently done and performed; therefore his highness and his said three estates, in respect of the long continuance of this present parliament and of the difficulty that will be to the said whole estates to convene shortly again, has given, granted and, by the tenor hereof, give and grant full power and commission of parliament to six of every estate of the persons following, with his officers that shall be present for the time: they are to say, the earls [Archibald Douglas, earl of] Angus, [George Gordon, earl of] Huntly, [David Lindsay, earl of] Crawford, [George Keith, earl] Marischal, [John Graham, earl of] Montrose and [Andrew Leslie, earl of] Rothes; [Patrick Adamson], archbishop of St Andrews; the bishops [Peter Rollock, bishop of] Dunkeld, [Alexander Campbell, bishop of] Brechin and [Adam Bothwell, bishop of] Orkney; the commendators [Robert Keith, commendator of] Deer and [Mark Kerr, commendator of] Newbattle and the commissioners of burghs of Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, St Andrews and Stirling, or any four of them for every estate, shall convene whenever they shall be charged and required to that effect, and shall treat, consult, deliberate and conclude upon such taxation as shall be thought expedient to be levied off his subjects for the cause aforesaid and of the manner and execution that shall be directed to that effect; likewise also the said commissioners shall have power to hear, treat, determine and conclude in the matter of the answer to the petitions of the king of Denmark concerning Orkney; and whatever they do and conclude in either of the said matters, it shall have like force and authority as if it were done by the whole three estates in parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.86r-v.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.