Against sellers and dispersers of papistical and erroneous books

2Forasmuch as sundry persons bring home out of other realms diverse books and writs containing erroneous doctrine against the true word of God and religion professed and by the laws established in this realm, or containing superstitious rites and ceremonies papistical, whereby the people are greatly abused; for remedy whereof, our sovereign lord and three estates of this present parliament statute and ordain that whenever any persons suspected of bringing home of the said books shall repair, resort and remain within any burgh, it shall be lawful to the provost and bailies of the same burgh, with a minister, to search and seek the said books, and being found, such books as are before declared to destroy them and to commit the importers to ward until they be punished in their persons and goods at our sovereign lord's will; for the which his present act shall be sufficient commission to the said provost, bailies and minister, and their said searching, seeking, intromission and destruction of the said books shall be reputed a lawful deed, for the which they shall incur no danger of plunder or intrusion or anything that may follow thereupon.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.81r.
  2. 'V.' written in margin.