The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 25 January 2025
Legislation: private act
An exception for [Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchnoull], my lord justice clerk, concerning the lands of Woodhouselee
The which day our sovereign lord, with advice of the three estates of this present parliament, decreed and ordained that the decreet of the lords of council given at the instance of William Sinclair of Garwald Muir for redemption of the lands of Woodhouselee, tower and fortalice thereof, and other lands specified in the said decreet, shall stand in full, force and strength, notwithstanding any article granted concerning the reduction and renewing of processes or decreets in general or particular, from the which the aforesaid decreet is, and shall be, in all time coming, excepted; neither shall it be lawful to whatsoever person or persons by the said general restitution to claim them to be repossessed in the aforesaid lands, but the same in property and possession shall stand that Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchnoull, knight, justice clerk to our sovereign lady, according to the said decreet of redemption and his infeftment following thereupon, which decreet, with the said Sir Lewis's rights and titles of the said lands and all that has followed thereupon, our sovereign lord and his three estates of parliament ratify and approve for him and his successors forever and ever.
- NAS, PA2/13, f.43r.