The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 26 January 2025
That the act of parliament lately made concerning the confirmation of feus of kirkland shall not proscribe against minors for the space of a year hereafter
2Forasmuch as in our sovereign lord's parliament held at Edinburgh on 22 August 1584, there was an act made bearing that all feus of kirklands not confirmed before by our sovereign lord, his predecessors or by the Pope should be duly confirmed by his majesty within a certain space and under certain pains contained in the said act, as the same at more length purports; nevertheless, sundry troubles have increased since and the pestilent sickness spreading amongst diverse of the greatest barons has raised the chief judgements and jurisdictions of this realm and the chancellery had no established place; therefore, our sovereign lord and three estates, willing none of them to be hurt thereby, has prorogated and prorogate the said act and whole force thereof for the space of a year next after the date hereof, within the which all his lieges doing their diligence for the said confirmations shall be, in all respects, in as good case as if the said feus had been confirmed immediately after the date of the said act.
- NAS, PA2/13, ff.38r-v.
- 'P.O.' written in margin.