The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 26 January 2025
An act in favour of the tenants who have made payment to factors
2Forasmuch as it is understood by his highness that diverse barons, gentlemen, tenants and possessors of lands, rooms, possessions, teinds, teind sheaves, etc. have been compelled to make payment of their mails and duties, teinds, teind sheaves and others aforesaid at command of our sovereign lord; and by virtue of charge directed in favour of diverse persons having factories, gifts, provisions or other securities of the said fruits, which payment was made by them in good faith after the execution of the said charges and no otherwise, notwithstanding whereof diverse parties intend hereafter upon the occasion of his majesty's favour, granted in the laws and constitutions of this present parliament as otherwise, to move question against the said tenants and others, and to cause them be repealed, to repay the said mails and duties, teinds, teind sheaves and others against all good reason; it is therefore statute and ordained that all and whatsoever persons who have heretofore made payment of the said fruits to the factors and others having right thereto, and have reported their discharges thereof, shall be free and freed in time coming and of all action, instance or pursuit that may be pretended against them by whatsoever manner, discharging the lords of council and session to grant process in any of the said pursuits in time coming and all other judges and ministers of the laws within this realm.
- NAS, PA2/13, f.38r.
- 'P.O.' written in margin.