Approbation of the late coin of alloyed money

Forasmuch as after good consideration had by the king's majesty, his nobility and estates assembled in December 1583, of the great hurt and inconvenience which his highness and the commonwealth sustained through diversity of prices of silver of sundry pieces of alloyed money current amongst his lieges, by reason whereof a great quantity of the same, and namely of the twelve penny pieces, bawbees and old placks, were found now to be decayed and wanting, privy persons frustrating his majesty of his right and profit (being one of the special parts of the rents and casualties pertaining to the crown) in the unlawing, transporting, breaking down and refining of the forenamed kinds of alloyed money, as well out of the realm as within the same; for remedy whereof, they have ordained and concluded that all the twelve penny pieces, bawbees and placks, with the three penny groats and half placks now current, should be brought in to the coin-house (not being false and counterfeit) and broken down with all good diligence, and thereof new money to be coined of three penny fine in groats at eight penny the piece, and half groats for four penny, with two grains of remedy of quality, as well above as under; and that there be 135 of the said eight penny groats or 270 of four penny groats in the merk weight of the said money, with allowance of eight of the said eight penny groats or sixteen of the four penny groats for remedy of weight, as well heavy as light, upon every merk weight of the said money passing the irons, as the act made thereupon of the date the [...] December 1583 and proclamation passed thereupon at length bears; of the which pieces ordained to be coined by the said act, weight and quality thereof there has been sufficient proof and trial taken and the assay thereof is extant in the hands of his majesty's advocate, being already tried and found good, so that the same corresponds in weight and quality to the tenor of the said act; in consideration whereof, and that the same has been tried and found good as said is, our sovereign lord and his three estates in this present parliament ratify and approve the act aforesaid after the form and tenor thereof in all points.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.126v.