Act for annexation of forfeited lands and rents to the crown

The king's majesty and his three estates assembled in this present parliament, considering the daily increase of the charges and expense of his highness's house and the diminution of the rents of his majesty's property, whereupon his said house ought to be maintained, have therefore thought convenient, statute and ordained that the lands, lordships, baronies and other rents already fallen, or how soon the same shall happen to fall and come in his highness's hands by virtue of the escheat through the process and dooms of forfeiture orderly led and deduced against the persons found, or that hereafter shall happen to be found, culpable of the late most treasonable rebellion and conspiracy attempted and enterprised against his highness's person and estate, shall be annexed to his majesty's crown, and presently, now as then and then as now, annexes the same thereto, following the good example of his predecessors for the honourable support of his estate; and the said lands, lordships, baronies and other rents hereafter specified to remain perpetually with the crown may neither be given away in fee, freehold, in pension or any other disposition to any person of what estate or degree that ever they be of, without advice, decreet or deliverance of the whole parliament and, for great reasonable cause concerning the welfare of the realm, first to be advised and digestly considered by the whole estates, and that always such infeftments as shall happen to be made or granted by his highness of any of the said lands and lordships shall be only in feu ferm, for payment of such yearly feu ferm as his highness and his council shall think reasonable, with the whole kanes, customs and small duties ought and wont to be paid by the present tenants and occupiers to the proprietors thereof, for the better furnishing and sustenance of his house; and albeit it shall happen our sovereign lord that now is, or any of his successors, kings of Scotland, to alienate or convey the said lordships, lands, castles, towns, donations and advocation of kirks and hospitals, with the pertinents annexed to the crown, as said is, otherwise that the same alienations and dispositions shall be of no value, but it shall be lawful to his highness and his successors to receive the same lands and rents to their own house wherever it pleases them, without any process of law, and the tacks to refund and pay all profits that they have taken up again to his highness's and his successors' use for all the time that they have had them, with such other restrictions as are contained in the acts of parliament made by his most noble predecessors, kings of Scotland, in their annexations to the crown.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.124v.