Protestation made by James Stewart, earl of Arran

The which day James, earl of Arran, lord Aven and Hamilton, after the confirmation and ratification of his infeftment of the earldom of Arran and lordships of Aven and Hamilton by the king's majesty, with advice of his estates, compearing in presence of his majesty and three estates convened in this present parliament, expressed and declared how it has been murmured by the malicious report of his privy enemies that by the words of his infeftments of the said earldom and lordship and ratifications thereof, passed and approved by his majesty and the said estates, he should aspire indirectly to put himself in place of second person of succession to the crown, which he never thought nor meant; and therefore, for declaration of his part and innocence, protested solemnly that all such reports to his prejudice should be esteemed to have been spoken against the truth, and in so far as it may be imagined that he can pretend any claim or place in the succession of the crown or dignity and priority in state of parliament or council as being descended either of the male race and blood of Murdoch [Stewart], sometime duke of Albany, earl of Fife and Menteith, or as proceeded by line of the earls of Arran, lords of Hamilton, since the time that they joined with the blood royal, in respect that they, having offended in crimes of lese-majesty, have received the punishment of their offences, and besides the said present Earl of Arran utterly secluded from all possibility of succeeding to any of them by reason of blood, his own father and four sons of his elder brother living, he presently therefore renounces and discharges all such claim and place with all honour and interest whatsoever that he has or can have in the royal succession through being of the former possessors of the said earldoms and lordship (whereof he is descended) of the blood royal, excepting to him nevertheless the place, rank, honour and degree which the earls of Arran and lords of Hamilton have had in any time heretofore as earls and lords of that earldom and lordship as other noblemen and lords of parliament of their degree, but not in any respect of the conjunction of the said house of Hamilton with the blood royal or as being declared second persons and heirs apparent in the succession of the crown.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.81v.