Ratification of the privileges of burghs, chapter 19

2Our sovereign lord and three estates of this present parliament ratify and approve all and sundry privileges, liberties, immunities and freedoms and acts of parliament made and granted in the time of whatsoever his majesty's most noble progenitors in any time past in favour of the burghs and burgesses thereof, and decree and declare all and sundry the said acts and constitutions to have full strength and effect in all time hereafter, and that the same be put to full and due execution in all points after the form and tenor thereof, and to stand as a perpetual law to the said burghs and burgesses and their successors in all time coming; and the lords of council and session to give and direct such letters at the supplication of the provosts, aldermen and bailies of burghs as are agreeable with the said laws and acts of parliament in all points.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.28v.
  2. 'P' written in margin.