James VI: Manuscript
1567, 25 July, Edinburgh, Convention
1567, 29 July, Stirling, Convention
1567, 22 August, Edinburgh, Convention
1567, 15 December, Edinburgh, Parliament
1568, 12 July, Edinburgh, Parliament (continued)
1569, 12 February, Stirling, Convention
1569, 28 July, Perth, Convention
1569, 17 November, Edinburgh, Parliament (continuation)
1570, 14 February, Edinburgh, Convention
1570, 4 March, Edinburgh, Convention
1570, 12 July, Edinburgh, Convention
1570, 10 October, ?, Parliament
1571, 21 January, Edinburgh, Parliament
1571, 14 May, Canongate, Parliament
1571, 14 May, 10 or 12 June and 26 August, Edinburgh, Parliament
1571, 28 August, Stirling, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
Apud Striviling, [28 August 1571]
Procedure: opening of session
Anent the nominatioune, electioune, acceptatioune and approbatioune of my lord of Mar in regent
Ratificatioune and approbatioune of the actis and statutis maid of befor anent the fredome and libertie of the trew kirk of God
Ratifcatioune of the domes, decretis and utheris led and pronuncit in the last parliament haldin at Edinburgh in Maii last bipast
Anent alienationis, resignationis and uthirs maid or to be maid be ony personis convict or that salhappin tobe convict of the slauchteris of oure soverane lordis fader or regentis
Anent the vassallis and fre tenentis of sic as ar forfaltit in this parliament
Anent landis, rowmes and possessionis haldin of freris or nunnis within this realme
Anent the fredome and privilegeis of burrowis
Anent alienationis, resignationis and utheris disponitionis [...] and gevin be ony personis, burgess and inhabitantis of Edinburgh, or ony [...] burrowis within this realme that hes maid defectioune fra the kingis aucthoritie
That na schippis saill without oure soverane lordis coquet
Anent herauldis, masseris, pursevantis and utheris officeris that servit aganis oure soverane lord and his auctoritie
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: appointment of commissioners to negotiate with England
1571, 5 September, Stirling, Convention
1572, 27 February, Leith, Parliament
1572, ? November, Edinburgh, Convention
1573, 26 January, Edinburgh, Parliament
1573, 30 April, Holyrood, Parliament
1575, 5 March, Holyrood, Convention
1578, 8 March, Stirling, Convention
1578, 15 July, Stirling, Parliament
1578, 15 November, Stirling, Council or Convention?
1579, 12 March, Stirling, Council or Convention?
1579, 7 August, Stirling, Convention
1579, 20 October, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[20 October 1579]
[21 October 1579]
[22 October 1579]
Vigesimo sexto Octobris anno Domini jM vC lxxixo
[10 November 1579]
Procedure: preamble
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason; forfeiture
Legislation: private acts
Tueicheing the disheresing of the posteritie of thame that ar convict of the murtheris of the king oure soverane lordis dearest father and tua regentis, cap. x
Anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame declarit not to be of the same, cap. 1
Anent the jurisdictioun of the kirk, cap. 2
Dischargeing of mercattis and labouring on Sondayis or playing and drinking in tyme of sermone, cap. 3
Anent the youth and utheris beyond sey suspectit to have declinit frome the trew religioun, cap. 4
That househaldaris have bybillis and psalme buikis, cap. 5
For releiff of the laboraris of the ground troublit for want of tymous teynding of thair cornis, cap. 6
For punishment of the strang and ydle beggaris and releif of the pure and impotent, cap. 7
For punishment of personis that contempnandlie remanis rebellis and at the horne, cap. 8
For remeid of the fraude and disordour usit amangis officiaris of armes in executioun of criminall lettres, cap. ix
That the panes of lauborrowis salbe devidit betuix the king and the pairty offendit unto, cap. xi
Aganis sic as troublis thair nychtboris be criminale persute saikles
Anent the cheising of inquestis in causses of perambulatioun, cap. 13
Anent the inserting of witnesses in obligationis and writtis of importance, cap. 14
Anent prescriptioun in causis of spulyie and ejectionis, cap. 15
Anent prescriptioun in causis of removing, cap. 16
Anent prescriptioun in certane causis of debt, cap. 17
Anent the distroyaris of planting, hanyng and policie, cap. 18
Ratificatioun of the privilegis of burrowis, cap. 19
Anent packing, peiling, forstalling and transporting of hering and quheit fische, cap. 20
For executioun of the act of parliament maid anent bering, wering and schuting of culveringis and daggis, cap. 21
For punischement of regrataris and foirstallaris, cap. 22
Anent the distructioun of cruvis and yairis, slauchter of reid fische and smoltis be wandis or utherwyis, cap. 23
Anent the transporting of coillis furth of the realme, cap. 24
For punischement of thame that tynis the pley within burgh, cap. 25
[11 November 1579]
1581, 26 February, Holyrood, Convention
1581, 3 April, Holyrood, Convention
1581, 24 October, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[24 October 1581]
[25 October 1581]
[26 October 1581]
[30 October 1581]
[28 November 1581]
[29 November 1581]
Procedure: preamble
Procedure: commission
Procedure: commission
Procedure: commission
Legislation: private act
Legislation: private acts and declarations
Procedure: protests
Legislation: private acts
Legislation: private acts
Ratificatioun of the dispositioun of the reversionis of the erldome of Lennox
Ratificatioun grantit to James, erll of Arrane off his infeftment
Ratificatioun grantit to Robert, erll of Orknay
Ratificatioun grantit to Frances, erll Bothuell
Ratificatioun grantit to Johnne, erll of Mortoun
Ane act in favour of Maister James Haliburtoun, provest of Dundie
Ratificatioun grantit to William, erll of Gowrie
Ratificatioun grantit to Dame Margarett Leslie, countess of Angus, of the conjunctfie landis during hir lyftyme
Ratificatioun of ane act of secrete counsell maid to the Lady Morhame
Ratificatioun to the Lord Lyndsay
Ratificatioun grantit to William Ker of Cesfurd
Ratificatioun grantit to Sir James Home of Coldinknowis, knycht
Ratificatioun grantit to Alexander Home of Manderstoun
Ratificatioun grantit to Alexander Home of Manderstoun and Alexander, commendatar of Coldinghame of the landis of Symprene and Toftis
Ratificatioun grantit to Andro Ker of Fawdounsyde
Ratificatioun grantit to Harie Stewart of ane ferd pairt of the landis of Gogar
Ratificatioun grantit to Harie Stewart of the baronie of Braidwod and utheris
Ratificatioun grantit to William Stewart, writtar, of the landis of Thuirstoun
Ratificatioun grantit to Andro Monro of Dawachcarty
Ratificatioun grantit to Jonet King
Ratificatioun to William Mosman
Ratificatioun to Patrik Creichtoun of Lugtoun
The confirmatioun of the infeftment of fewferme of the ill, abbay and mansioun of Sanctcolmis Insh
Ratificatioun grantit to Maister Mark Kar of the abbay of Newbottill
Ratificatioun grantit to Harie Stewart, sonne to James Stewart of Downe, of the abbay of Sanctcolmis Inshe
Ratificatioun grantit to the priour of Pluscardin of the priorie thairof
Ratificatioun grantit to Alexander, priour of Coldinghame, of the priorie thairof
Ratificatioun grantit to Sanctleonardis College in Sanctandros
Benefite of pacificatioun grantit to umquhill Williame Kircaldie of Grange, knicht
Benefite of pacificatioun grantit to the airis of umquhill Maister James Kircaldy
Benefite of pacificatioun grantit to the Laird of Farnihirst
Procedure: protest; asking of instruments
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: declaration; asking of instruments
1582, 19 October, Holyrood, Convention
1583, 19 April, Holyrood, Convention
1583, 24 October, Edinburgh, Parliament (continued)
1583, 7 December, Holyrood, Convention
1584, 19 May, Edinburgh, Parliament (continuation)
Parliamentary Register
[19 May 1584]
[22 May 1584]
Secunda dies parliamenti
Procedure: preamble
Anent the libertie of the preching of the trew word of God and administratioun of the sacramentis
Ane act confirming the kingis majesties royall power over all statis and subjectis within this realme
Anent the auctoritie of the thrie estatis of parliament
Ane act dischargeing all jurisdictionis and jugementis not approvit be parliament, and all assembleis and conventionis without our soverane lordis speciall licence and comandement
Ane act establissing the forme of jugement anent the depositioun and deprivatioun of ministeris and utheris benefeceit personis fra thair benefices for worthie causis
That ministeris sall not be jugeis nor exerce ony uther ordinare office that may abstract thame fra thair office
Ane act ratefeand the declaratour of the kingis majestie and his estatis tueching the treasounable attempt aganis his hienes at Ruthven and concerning the lait rebellioun and ayderis thairof
Ane act for punisment of the authoris of the slanderous and untrew calumneis spokin aganis the kingis majestie, his counsell and procedingis, or to the dishonour and prejudice of his hienes, his parentis, progenitouris, croun and estate
Ane act ratefeing and approving the procedingis of the kingis majestie, his counsall and officiaris in the tryall, prosecutioun and punisment of the lait rebellioun attemptat aganis his hienes and his auctoritie
Ane act for annulling certane alienationis, provisionis and dispositionis maid in prejudice of the kingis majesties eschaet
Aganis reductioun of foirfalturis for nullitie of proces, and that nane travell nor gif counsell to that effect, without speciall warrand of the kingis majestie and estatis in parliament
Aganis the granting of respettis and remissionis for slauchteris, fire rasing and utheris odious crymis to be committit efter the dait heiroff
Ane act tuecheing the provisioun to his hienes of a gard and suir pament of thair ordinare wages
Ane act anent slauchter and trubling maid be parties in persute and defence of thair actionis
Ane act anent the better executioun of decreittis
Ane act approving the constitutioun of certane the kingis majesties officiaris of the estate
Additioun to the actis maid of befoir anent the cumming to courtis and compering at the bar in sober maner in persute and defence of criminall causis
Ane act for disherising of the posteritie of the Erll of Gowrie
Anent the gage and standert of salmound, hering and quheit fish, and principall stapillis thairof
Procedure: commission
Judicial proceeding: ratification of forfeiture
Procedure: commission
Legislation: private acts
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: commission
Procedure: continuation of parliament
[3 August 1584]
[20 August 1584]
Vigesimo primo Augusti anno etc. lxxxiiij
[22 August 1584]
1585, 31 July, St Andrews, Convention
1585, 1 December, Linlithgow, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[1 December 1585]
[4 December 1585]
[10 December 1585]
Procedure: preamble
Procedure: protest
Procedure: protest; asking of instruments
Committee members: privy council
Legislation: private act
Procedure: protests; asking of instruments
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protests
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protest
Legislation: private acts
Act in favour of the posteritie of William, erll of Gowrie
Ratificatioun grantit to James Richartsoune of Smitone
Ratificatioun of the Laird of Elphingstoun
Ratificatioun grantit to the Laird of Carmychell
Act in favour of Johnne Achesoun
Ratificatioun of the capitanrie of the castell of Dunbartane to my lord Hammiltoun
Ratificatioun of the capitanrie of the castell of Edinburgh to the Laird of Coldinknowis
Act in favour of Schir Williame Stewart, lait capitane of Dunbartane
Act in favour of the Lord Glammis
Ane act in favour of the Maister of Glamis
Act in favour of Johnne Lyoun of Cossynnis
Ane act in favour of the servandis of the Erll of Mar and Maister of Glammis
Ratificatioun of the restitutioun grantit to Gawin Hammyltoun of Roploch
Act in favour of Johnne, lord Hammyltoun and Claud, commendatour of Paislay
Act grantit to the Laird of Holmendis and his freindis
Ratificatioun of the Erll Bothuillis infeftment
Ratificatioun of ane lettre of tak to the Laird of Largo, comptroller
Ratificatioun grantit to the Erll of Huntly of his office of lieutennandrie
Ratificatioun in favour of the bairnis of the Laird of Segy
Ratificatioun in favour of Alexander Wod
Ratificatioun to the Maister of Gray of the abbay of Dumfermling
Ratificatioun to Waltir Dundas
Ratificatioun grantit to William, commendatour of Pettinweyme
Act in favour of Schir Johnne Maitland of Thirlstane, secretair to our soverane lord, and James Maitland, his brothir sone
Ratificatioun of the act of parliament maid in favouris of Schir James Balfouris wyff and bairnis
Ane act annulland the infeftmentis maid to Gilbert Lauder of Balbardeis and his sone of the landis and leving of Haltoun
Ratificatioun of the office of thesaurarie to Thomas, maister of Glammis
Ratificatioun of the provestrie of Lynclouden to William Douglas
Ratificatioun to Maistir Edward Bruce of the abbacie of Kinloss
Procedure: protest
Legislation: private acts
1586, 23 September, Holyrood, Convention
1587, 10 May, Holyrood, Convention
1587, 8 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1588, 4 April, Holyrood, Convention
1588, 20 May, Holyrood, Council or Convention?
1588, 27 July, Holyrood, Council or Convention?
1590, 12 June, Holyrood, Convention
1590, 29 July, Holyrood, Convention
1591, 6 August, Edinburgh, Convention
1592, 3 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[3 April 1592]
[4 May 1592]
[5 May 1592]
[29 May 1592]
[5 June 1592]
Procedure: preamble
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason
Procedure: protests; asking of instruments
Legislation: private acts
Legislation: private act
Procedure: commission
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: commission
Procedure: protest
Legislation: private act
Procedure: protest
Procedure: protest
Procedure: protest; declaration concerning ratifications
Committee members: privy council
Procedure: commission
Procedure: declaration; approbation
Legislation: private acts
Legislation: private act
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: king's declaration to the Earl of Angus
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protest
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protest
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protests
Legislation: private acts
Ratificatioun to Maister David Chalmer of Ormound
Ratificatioun to Alexander Hume of Northberuik
Ratificatioun to Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarny, knicht, thesaurair
Ratificatioun to Andro Melvill of Garvok, maister houshald
Ratificatioun to the Laird of Tullibardin, maister of the houshald
Ratificatioun to the Laird of Ormeistoun, justice clerk
Act in favour of Schir Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, knicht, maister of stable
Ane act in favour of the said Schir Johnne Carmichaell concerning the landis of Langhirdmestoun
Ratificatioun to Maistir Gilbert Moncreif, mediciner to his majestie
Ratificatioun to the young Laird of Polwart and Patrik Murray
Ratificatioun to Thomas Erskin of Gogar and his brether
Ratificatioun to Thomas and Barny Lindsayis
Ratificatioun to Maister George Young, archedeane of Sanctandrois
Ratificatioun to Alexander Young, yschear
Ratificatioun to Schir George Hume of Prymroknowis, knicht
Ratificatioun to Johnne Gib, wallet of his majesties chalmer
Ratificatioun to Johnne Cheisholme, comptroller of the ordinance
Ratificatioun to Williame Betoun
Ratificatioun to Maister Henrie Keir
Act in favouris of the airis of Ewphame Mackalyeane, contenand ane exceptioun for the landis of Cliftonhall and ane uther exceptioun to Maistir Johnne Nicolsone, advocat
Act in favour of David Cuninghame of Robertland
Procedure: royal declaration; protest
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: protest; asking of instruments
Legislation: private acts
1593, 3 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
1593, 11 September, Stirling, Convention
1593, 31 October, Linlithgow, Convention
1593, 23 November, Holyrood, Convention
1593, 27 December, Holyrood, Convention
1594, 17 January, Holyrood, Convention
1594, 21 January, Edinburgh, Convention
1594, 22 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
1594, 29 April, Edinburgh, Convention
1594, 10 September, Holyrood, Convention
1594, 28 November, Holyrood, Convention
1595, 15 March, Holyrood, Convention
1596, 22 May, Holyrood, Convention
1596, 29 September, Dunfermline, Convention
1596, 13 December, Edinburgh, Convention
1596, 21 December, Linlithgow, Convention
1597, 1 January, Edinburgh, Convention
1597, 6 January, Holyrood, Convention
1597, 3 March, Perth, Convention
1597, 13 May, Dundee, Convention
1597, 1 November, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[1 November 1597]
[8 December 1597]
[16 December 1597]
Procedure: preamble
Procedure: summonds of reduction of forfeiture read
Committee members: lords of the articles
Judicial proceedings: reduction of the forfeitures of the Earls of Angus, Huntly and Erroll
All ministeris provydit to prelaceis suld haif woit in parliament
Kirkyard dyikis suld be biggit
Alienatioun of the kingis annexit propertie
The annexit propertie may nocht be disponit bot in fewferme allanerlie
Anent dispositioun of the kingis castellis and certane utheris pertis of the annexit propertie
Dispositioun of the annexit propertie maid befoir the dissolutioun or nocht conform to the conditionis thairof ar null
Assyis hering may nocht be disponit
Anent heretable chalmerlanreis and dispositionis of the propertie
Alianatioun feudifirme feudifirmarum
Anent takis and pensionis gevin furthe of thriddis
Anent thriddis of benefices, commoun kirkis, freirlandis, rentis and benefices of cuir under prelaceis
The twa pert of the benefices vacand sall appertene to the king
Anent ratificationis and dispositionis maid in parliament
Ministeris and possessoris of beneficis sall gif up the rentell of the temporalitie
The fewaris of the temporalitie sall gif up ane rentell of thair dewteis
All fewis may be decernit null for nocht payment of the dewtie, albeit na provisioun be maid thairanent in the infeftment
It is nocht lesum to tak mair annuelrent or proffeit nor ten for the hundrethe
The pane of beraris, usaris or schutaris, culveringis, daggis or ingynis of fyre wark
The pricis of gold and silver of forene cunyie and bulyeoun
Woll suld nocht be transportit furthe of the realme
All merchandeice brocht within this realme suld pay custome
Englishe claithe and uthairis Englishe merchandice maid of woll is forbiddin
Great burne coill suld nocht be transportit furthe of this realme
Forbiddin gudis suld pay custume
All cocquettis suld be speciall and contene the perticular kyndis of merchandice
All schippis suld haif ane sufficient cocquett
The aithe of the merchandis, shipperis and factoris passand to and fra the law countreis and furthe of this realme
All schippis and mercheandis suld land at the ordinar staple
The conservatour suld puneish usureris
All mercheandis sall gif ane inventare of thair mercheandice and gudis to the conservatour
Of slayaris of reidfish, smoltis, frie and salmond in forbiddin tyme
The inhabitantis of the iles and helandis suld schaw thair haldingis
Anent the bigging of burrowes townes in the iles and hielandis
Lettiris of horning, inhibitionis, interdictionis and publication thairof aganis personis duelland within bailliereis suld be registrat in the baillies bukis
Registratioun of lettres of horning, relaxationis, inhibitionis suld be maid judiciallie or befoir ane notar and four witneses of the judge refusand the registratioun
It is not lesum to slay deir, rais, hares, wylde foules or dowes
Auld unlawes ar valued and amplified
Strang beggaris, vagaboundis and Egiptians suld be punished
The panis of lawburroues suld be payit be him quha for his dissobedience is denunceit rebell, the cautioner may be perseuit or the principall
The paine of the generall band is devidit betuix the king and the pairtie
The schireff clarkis sall bring thair buikis to the chekker thai suld be markit
Barrounes suld send to the parliament commissioneris with sufficient commissionis
Prisoun houses suld be begged within all burroues
Anent dimissioun of benefices contening reservatioun of the lyfrent of the resignant
Of personis duelland within brught subject to the help of the pure to waching and warding
All burgesses suld be taxt and stentit be thair magistratis according to the rentis within burght
Ane taxatioun to be grantit to the king, the forme and maner
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: clerk's notes
Additional Source
Legislation: titles of acts not surviving
Act in favour of the burgh of Hadingtoun
Ratificatioun to Maister Edward Bruyse, abbot of Kinlosse
For locall stipendis of ministers
For ane grammer to be universallie teached
For ordour and prioritie of place in parliament
For retouring of landis nocht retoured
Anent the forme of proces against witches
Ane act anent Christs kirk of Udny
Anent the kirk of Dummany
Act for uphalding of the Brig of Don and the calsey of the month of Cowy
Act for reparatioun of the brig of Mussilburgh
Act for bigging of ane calsey upon Edmonstoun Edge
Exceptioun in favoures of Patrick, lord of Lundoris
Exceptioun in favoures of Maister Young of Seaton, maister almousser
Exceptioun in favoures of Sir Thomas Erskin of Gogar, knicht, and his brether
Exceptioun in favoures of Michael Elphinstoun and Andro Malvill, maisters of houshald
Exceptioun in favoures of Sir Patrick Murray
Exceptioun in favoures of Patrick Hume, younger, of Polwart
Exceptioun in favoures of William Elphinstoun
Exceptioun in favoures of Maister George Young, archedeane of Saint Andrews
Exceptioun in favoures of Maister Andrew Blackhall, minister of Mussilburgh
Exceptioun in favoures of Bernard Lindesay
Protestatioun conteinand the kingis declaratioun in favoures of Alexander, lord of Spyny
1598, 29 June, Holyrood, Convention
1598, 30 October, ?, Convention
1598, 14 December, Holyrood, Convention
1599, 1 February, Holyrood, Convention
1599, 2 March, Holyrood, Convention
1599, ? May, Holyrood, Convention
1599, 31 July, Falkland, Convention
1599, 11 December, Holyrood, Convention
1600, 30 June, Edinburgh, Convention
1600, 1 November, Edinburgh, Parliament
1601, 11 September, Perth, Convention
1602, 2 February, Holyrood, Convention
1604, 10 April, Edinburgh/Perth, Parliament
1605, 7 June, Edinburgh, Convention
1605, 7 June, Edinburgh/Perth, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[Edinburgh, 7 June 1605]
[Edinburgh, 26 November 1605]
[Edinburgh, 14 January 1606]
[Edinburgh, 20 March 1606]
[Edinburgh, 13 May 1606]
[Edinburgh, 17 June 1606]
[Perth, 1 July 1606]
[Perth, 3 July 1606]
[Perth, 9 July 1606]
Procedure: preamble
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: commission
Legislation: private acts
Act in favouris of the tennentis of Casche
Dissolutioun of Huntingtoure and Strathbrawne
Act in favouris of Sanctandrous archibischop in satisfactioun of Monymaill
Act anent the erectioun of the kirk of Leith benorth the brig in ane paroche kirk
Act anent the dismembering of certane townis frome the kirk of Ellon and incorporating of the samyn to the kirk of Slaynis
Erectioun of the kirk of Prestoun
Act anent the erectioun of the kirk of Portingcraig
Act in favouris of the burgh of Edinburgh
Act in favouris of the burgh of Perth
Act in favouris of the burgh of Dundie
Act in favouris of the burgh of Aberdene anent the ratificatioun of thair chartour
Act in favouris of the burgh of Aberdene anent the ratificatioun of the chartour grantit be Maister Alexander Hay
Act in favouris of the burgh of Irving
Act in favouris of the burgh of Banff
Act in favouris of the senatouris of the college of justice and memberis of the samyn
Ratificatioun of the kirk of Nather Airlie in favouris of Schir Thomas Lyoun of Auldbar, knycht
Act in favouris of Williame, commendater of Towngland
Act in favouris of Maister Johne Prestoun of Penycuke, collectour to oure soverane lord
Ratification in favouris of James Hay of Kingask of his infeftment of the fewfermes of Grangemure etc.
Ratification in favouris of Patrik Kynnard of that Ilk of his infeftment of his landis of Kynnard etc.
Act in favouris of Maister Alexander Hay anent the dispositioun to him of the fewfermes of Ardett and Dron under reversioun of twentie thowsand merkis money
Ratification in favouris of Marjorie Marjoribankis, relict of umquhile Maister Johne Durie, minister, of hir pensioun
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Marquess of Hammyltoun and Huntlie of thair marquisadis
Ratificatioun to the Erle of Angus and to the Lord Dowglas, his sone, of thair infeftment
Act in favouris of the Erle of Cathnes
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord Lyndesay
Act in favouris of Schir Johne Moncreiff
Ratificatioun in favouris of Williame Lermonth of Hill
Act in favouris of the towne and bischop of Dunkeld
Ratificatioun of the erectioun of the schole of Dunkeld
Act in favouris of the capitane and keiparis of the castell of Dunbartane
Act in favouris of George and Maister Petir Hayis
Ratificatioun in favouris of the young laird of Calderwood of certane takkis of teyndis
Act in favouris of Barnard Lyndesay of the Kingis Wark in Leith
Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir Alexander Stratoun of Laurenstoun, knycht, of his pensioun
Ratificatioun in favouris of the laird of Balmaghie
Act in favouris of the Laird of Burlie
Act of dissolutioun of the Lowmondis
Act in favouris of the Erle of Errole anent blankis
Act in favouris of Williame, maister of Murray of Tullibardin, anent the changeling of the name of the baronie of Trewin in Earne
Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Johne Drummond of his office of clerkschip
Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir Johne Arnochte of his gift of the impost of threttie tounis wyne
Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir Johne Arnochte of his infeftment of his landis in Orknay
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Laird of Moncreif of his pensioun
Act anent salvo jure cujuslibet
Erectioun of the lordschip of Abirbrothok in favouris of James, marques of Hammyltoun
Erectioun of the lordschip and baronie of Kylismure with the kirk of Mauchlane in favouris of the Lord Lowdoun
Act anent the dilapidatioun of bischoprikis
Erectioun of Dundrenan in favouris of Johne Murray
Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Archibald Moncreif of his pensioun
Ratificatioun to the kirk of Borthuik
Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Lawrence Gordoun of his infeftment of Glenluce
Erectioun of the abbacie of Scone in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of David, lord of Scone
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord Abircorne of his infeftment off Abircorne
The commissioneris warrant anent the provisioun of the kirk of Abircorne
Act in favouris of James Maxuell and Robert Douglas
Annexatioun of the personage and vicarage of Glasgou to the archibischoprik thereof
Erectioun of the lordschip of Halieroodhous
Act in favouris of Maister Robert Williamsone of the tempillandis fra the croune
Act in favouris of Schir George Bruce anent the ratificatioun of his infeftment of Carnok
Act in favouris of Maister Williame Scott of Elie anent his landis of Grangemuir Wester
Act in favouris of my lord great commissionar anent the landis of Cowgask
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord of Scone of his pensioun of ten chalderis victuall furth of the priourie of Sandrous
Exceptioun in favouris of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnyng, knycht, frome the erectioun of Jedburgh
Exceptioun in favouris of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynning, knycht, frome the erectioun of Elcho
Erectioun of the abbacie of Couper in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of James Elphingstoun
Erectioun of the abbacie of Balmirrenoch, with the landis and baroneis of Kirknewtoun and Balerno unite thairto, in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the Lord Balmirrenoch
Erectioun of the abbaceis of Dryburgh and Cambuskynneth and priourie of lnchmahomo in ane temporall lordschip, callit the lordschip of Cardroise, in favouris of the Erle of Mar
Ratificatioun in favouris of Alexander, erle of Dunfermeling, lord chancellar
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Laird of Kylsayth of his infeftment thairof
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord Balmirrenoch and his sone, James Elphingstoun, of thair infeftmentis of Ballumbie and Barntoun
Erectioun of the priourie of Sanctandrois in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the Duk of Lennox
Erectioun of the abbacie of Lundoris in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of Lord Lundoris
Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Alexander Gibsoun of his infeftment of Grantoun
Act in favouris of the Vicount of Fentoun anent the dissolutioun of Restenneth fra the abbacie of Jedburgh
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Laird of Kinnard Carnegie
Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord Uchiltrie of his infeftment of the kirkland of Uchiltrie
Erectioun of the abbaceis of Jedburgh and Coldinghame in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the Erle Home
Erectioun of the priourie of Pittinweme in favouris of Frederik Stewart
Parliamentary Register addenda
1607, 18 March, Edinburgh, Parliament
1608, 10 May, Edinburgh, Parliament (continued)
1608, 20 May, Edinburgh, Convention
1608, 30 July, Edinburgh, Parliament (continuation)
1609, 27 January, Edinburgh, Convention
1609, 12 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
1612, 12 October, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[12 October 1612]
[15 October 1612]
[23 October 1612]
Procedure: ratification of acts and conclusions of the general assembly
Legislation: private act
Legislation: private acts
Procedure: commission
Legislation: private acts
Ratificatioun in favouris of the burgh of Dumbertane off thair infeftment
Ratificatioun in favours of the burgh of Glasgow off thair infeftment
Ratificatioun in favours of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Byris, knycht, secretar to his majestie
Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir James Dowglas of Spott
Ratificatioun in favouris of Robert, lord Lyndesay
Ratificatioun in favours of Henre Wardlaw of Balmule
Ratificatioun in favours of Schir Jedeon Murray of Elibank, knycht
Ratificatioun in favours of the officiars of the cunyehouse
Ratificatioun in favours of Maister Thomas Hoip, advocat
Ratificatioun in favours of Walter, lord Scott of Bukcleuch
Act for translating of the kirk of Gulane to Dirltoun
Ratificatioun in favouris of Thomas, vicount Fentoun, lord Dirltoun
Ratificatioun in favours of Alexander Stewart, lord of Garleis
Ratificatioun in favors of Schir William Olyphant of Newtoun, knycht, advocat to his hienes
Ratificatioun of the said Schir William Olyphantis gift of advocatrie
Ratificatioun in favouris of Patrik Mauld of Panmure
Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir Ritchard Cokburne of Clerkingtoun
Ratificatioun of the lettir of pensioun grantit be his hienes to George and James Prestounes, sonnes to Maister Johnne Prestoun, president
Dissolutioun of archedeanrie of Sanctandrois and annexatioun of the same to the bischoprik thairof
Ratificatioun in favouris of Johnne Murray, grome in his majesties bedchalmer
Ratificatioun of Johnne Auchmowties renunciatioun of his richt of the castell of Sanctandrois
Ratificatioun in favours of Sanct Leonardis College of the landis belonging to the patrimonie thairof
Ratificatioun to the Duke of Lennox of the office of admiralitie and privilegis of the same
Exoneratioun to the Erll of Ergile off his commissioun to Ilay
Ratificatioun in favours of the Erll of Kinghorne
Act for changeing the mercat day of Glammys
Ratificatioun in favours of Schir James Dundas
Ratificatioun in favouris of Alexander Moncreif
Act in favouris of the heiris of umquhill William Nesbit of Newtoun Leyis against the executouris of the laird of Restalrig
Act anent the kirk of Craling, declaring the same to be ane paroche kirk
Generall ratificatioun of the burrowis liberties
Ratificatioun in favouris of the burgh of Tayne of thair infeftment
Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Josua Durie of his pensioun
Ratificatioun to the lard of Auldbar of his infeftment of the patronage of the kirk of Rescobie
Ratificatioun to Patrik Dowglas of his infeftment of the landis of Kilspindie and Abirladie, with the teyndis thairof
Ratificatioun to the Duke of Lennox of his pensioun furth of the propirtie
Ratificatioun to the Duke of Lennox off the dukedome of Lennox and regalitie thairof
Ratificatioun in favouris of Williame Nisbit of his infeftment of the Deane and pultre land
Ratificatioun to the Lard of Lie of his infeftment off the baronie of Lie
Ratificatioun to the Laird of Dundas of the patronage of the kirk of Levingstoun
Ratificatioun to the laird of Balmowto off his infeftment of the landis of Balmowto and patronage of the kirk of Auchtertule
Ratificatioun to Schir George Hay of infeftment of the landis of Kincapill
Ratificatioun to Schir George Hay off his gift and privilege of making of yron and glasworkis
Ratificatioun to Archibald Prymrois of his licence of making of yrne within the schirefdome of Perth
Ratificatioun of George and Andro Halyburtounes pensioun of fyve hundreth pundis
Ratificatioun of the contract betuix the Archiebischop of Sanctandrois and the citie of Sanctandrois, with a reservatioun in favouris of the Lord Lyndesay
Ratificatioun to the Lord Keith of his infeftment of the lordschippis of Dunnoter and Inverrugie
Act in favours of the Lord Burghlie
Additional Source
1617, 7 March, Edinburgh, Convention
1617, 27 May, Edinburgh, Parliament
1621, 25 January, Edinburgh, Convention
1621, 1 June, Edinburgh, Parliament
1623, 14 January, Edinburgh, Convention