James V: Manuscript
1513, 26 November, Perth, General Council
1515?, 8 May, Edinburgh, Parliament
1515, 12 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1516, 4 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1516, 13 November, Edinburgh, Parliament
1517, May?, Edinburgh, Meeting of the Estates
1517, 7 October, Edinburgh, Meeting of the Estates
1522, 11 February, Edinburgh, Meeting of the Estates
1522, 24 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1524, 10 May, Edinburgh, Parliament
1524, 20 August, Edinburgh, Parliament
1524, 14 November, Edinburgh, Parliament
1525, 15 February, Edinburgh, Parliament
1525, 6 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1526, 12 June, Edinburgh, Parliament
1526, 12 November, Edinburgh, Parliament
1527, 7 May, Edinburgh, Parliament
1528, 2 September, Edinburgh, Parliament
1531, 24 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
1532, 13 May, Edinburgh, Parliament
1533, 28 July, Edinburgh, Parliament
1535, 7 June, Edinburgh, Parliament
Parliamentary Register
[7 June 1535]
[10 June 1535]
Undecimo Junii anno etc., vC xxxvto
Duodecimo Junii [vC xxxvto]
Sexta dies parliamenti
Committe members: lords of the articles
Procedure: asking of instruments
Taxt grantit to the kingis grace
The mater of money and cunye
Off planting of woddis, forestis and orchartis
The panis of the distroyaris of woddis and makis mureburn in forbodin tyme
For keping of forestis
For slauchter of dais etc
Off brekaris of dowkatis, yardis, cunygaris, perkis and stankis
Off brekaris of yardis and orchartis
Off slaying of haris in forbodin tyme
The remeid for distructioune of housis, places, woddis, forestis, orchartis, yardis and hanyngis of landis fallin in ward
[Protection for labourers]
Off reid fische, smoltis and slaying of salmond in forbodin tyme
Off cruvis and yaris
Off buschis for fisching
Off walpinschawingis
Hagbutis and utheris small artalyery to be furnest within the realme
That merchandis bring hame hagbutis, culveringis, calmes, powder and hernes
For bigging of strenthis on the bordouris
Provisioune for ostillaris and travellaris throw the cuntre
That na man by Inglis horse or bartour for thame, and that all man havand stude placez gar plenys the samyn
That na man sell nolt, schepe to Inglissmen nor send vittalis, fische or salt in Ingland
Off forstallaris
For inbringing of the kingis grace propirtie and casualite
For slauchter, with additioun
For the stanching of maisterfull beggaris, with additioune
The remeid for delivering of thame that fleis to girth
The privelegis of burrowis
Anentis merchandis that salis incontrar the actis maid of before
That na schip sale with stable gudis fra Symones Day and Jude quhill Candilmess
That na man sale in Flandris bot twise in the yeir
Off chesing of officiaris in burgh and bringing of thair comptis of thare comoune gudis yerelie to the chekker
That na man truble or molest the provest, ballies, aldermen, officiaris and utheris induellaris in the burgh
That my lord chancellar, within ane certane of lordis quham plesis the kingis grace to depute with him, sitt wolkly ane day to trete on materis concernyng the commoune wele
Decimo sexto Junii [vC xxxvto]
Decimo septimo Junii [vC xxxvto]
1536, 29 April, Edinburgh, Parliament
1538, 11 March, Edinburgh, Parliament
1540, 3 December, Edinburgh, Parliament