Non-parliamentary record: decreet of secret council

On 3 May next following afterwards at Edinburgh, the king then residing there, it was ordained in his secret council concerning the standing and means of living of the king himself and also the queen [Euphemia de Ross], and concerning the regulation and governance of their households, and concerning the keepership and sustenance of the castles by the means which is contained in another register made concerning such non-permanent ordinances and deeds. Present in the said council were the lord [William de Landels], bishop of St Andrews, the lord [William Douglas, 1st] earl of Douglas, Sir John de Carrick, chancellor, Sir Walter de Biggar, chamberlain, Sir Robert de Erskine, Sir James de Douglas, Sir Hugh of Eglinton and John Lyon, keeper of the privy seal of our lord the king.

  1. NAS, Liber Niger, PA5/4, f. 58r-v. Acts 1371/1 to 1371/3 were copied from a lost register of acts of 'permanent' importance. 1371/3 refers to 'another register' of ordinances and deeds which were not permanent. The 'permanent' register will have included acts of parliament and also other proceedings, such as the coronation. Back
  2. This note records a proceeding of Robert II's secret council on 3 May 1371. Yet it makes clear that it was part of the lost original parliamentary register, and refers to 'another register' of council proceedings. Back