26 March 1371

Non-parliamentary record: account of the coronation of Robert II and the homage given to him by the prelates and magnates

In the year 1371 after the incarnation of the Lord, on 26 March at Scone, Robert the Steward of Scotland, earl of Strathearn, nephew of the lord David [II] de Bruce of glorious memory, the illustrious king of Scots who recently died, was crowned and anointed as king by the reverend father in Christ the lord William de Landels, bishop of St Andrews. At which coronation and anointing, the lords prelates, earls and barons and all the nobles written below were present, with a great assembled multitude of people from all parts of the kingdom of Scotland.

  1. NAS, Liber Niger, PA5/4, f. 58r-v. Acts 1371/1 to 1371/3 were copied from a lost register of acts of 'permanent' importance. 1371/3 refers to 'another register' of ordinances and deeds which were not permanent. The 'permanent' register will have included acts of parliament and also other proceedings, such as the coronation. Back