Letter: the earl of Morton to the king
Certain heads proposed by [James Douglas], earl of Morton registered

Forasmuch as Archibald [Douglas], earl of Angus, lord Douglas and Abernethy presented and delivered to our sovereign lord upon 7 March 1578 a letter subscribed by James, earl of Morton, lord of Dalkeith, regent to his majesty, his realm and lieges for the time, containing certain heads proposed by him for the honour, good and surety of his highness, which letter his majesty, with advice of his nobility, estates and council present, ordains to remain and be inserted in the books of secret council, of the which letter the tenor follows: [...] majesty was that when [...] it should please your highness to take the regime[...] realm in your own hands, I would most willingly u[...] the same, according to your highness's pleasure and commandm[...], craving [...] same be done, I may propose to your majesty and your nobility [...] end three things tending to your honour, good and surety with a [...] for the sort. Firstly, that good and substantial order may be taken [...]ning and preservation of your highness's person, the order of your [...] servants and the handling of the revenues of your crown. Secondly, [...] with England may be observed during your majesty's minority, for the [...] a war in that time may bring not only to your own realm and people [...] highness's right and interest to the succession of the crown of England. Th[...], to be taken and provided for the keeping of quietness within your realm [...] of the broken men of the highlands and borders by whom the state is [...] under obedience of the laws. And fourthly, my petition is that if the [...] estates convening shall find that I have truly served your highness in this [...]ministration, that then I may have your majesty's discharge of the [...] of your parliament. It is thus subscribed, James, regent.

  1. NAS, PC1/9, pp.3-4. Back
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript. Back