An approbation of the act made concerning the disposition of benefices to the ministers of Christ's evangel

Item, because there has been some question, both before the lords of session and commissaries of Edinburgh, concerning the declaration of the act and ordinance made by [Mary], the queen, our sovereign lord's mother, with advice of the lords of secret council for the time, and thereafter ratified in parliament, concerning the disposition of all benefices not exceeding 300 merks of yearly rent or within to qualified ministers, which act our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of [James Douglas, earl of Morton], my lord regent's grace, the three estates and whole body of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and confirms, ordaining the same to have full effect from the day and date thereof, notwithstanding any exception proposed or to be proposed of non-publication of the said act, seeing the queen, our sovereign lord's mother, was sworn therein in the first word never to come in the contrary thereof, and that the said act has generally taken effect since the making of the same, providing always that this present act prejudice not the law of patrons.

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (St Andrews, 1573), f.11r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25. See also NAS, PA6/1, 1572/3. Back