[1567/12/5]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
[...] Hay, clerk of the secret council, and reported answer in [...]um to [Sir Simon Preston of Craigmillar], provost of Edinburgh, yesterday touching the [...]ble of certain more barons with certain ministers [...] as should happen to be proposed etc. with commission and [...] and commissioners already convened to begin and proceed etc. [...]lows. At Edinburgh, 2 December [...], forasmuch as [James Stewart, earl of Moray], my lord regent, with advice [...] council, wrote to certain barons and commissioners [...]e in Edinburgh, 20 November 1567, [...]on the matters to be concluded in the parliament approaching [...], the which commissioners and barons diverse are yet absent, through which [large] time is spent and nothing as yet done, therefore my lord [regen]t, with advice of the lords of secret council, ordains so many of the [barons] and commissioners as are already convened to begin and proceed in the [matters prop]osed before them, or to be inventoried and found out by themselves; a[nd that in] the place of Walter Lundie of that Ilk, they receive and [admit among]st them Master William Lundie, his son and apparent [heir; likewise] Thomas Scott of Abbotshall; and that they elect and [nominate two] or three more barons which are present in this town, most [godly and o]f greatest experience in political affairs, which shall be [commanded] to join with them and assist them. And that Master [John] Spottiswood, John Knox, Master John Craig, Master John Row [and Master] David Lindsay, ministers, or any four or three of them, [be also present] and joined to the said barons and commissioners of burghs [in debat]ing, treating and reasoning of the matters to be proposed concerning [the estate] of the kirk. It is thus subscribed by mandate of the lord regent and of the lords of the secret council etc., Alexander Hay.