[1567/7/25/2]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Which being openly read, the said lords of secret council, others of the nobility, prelates, barons and commissioners of burghs convened as is said, gladly agreed thereto, allowed and approved the same, and in verification and testification thereof, subscribed the obligation following:
Second bond
†We, who have subscribed this underwritten bond, understanding that [Mary], the queen's majesty, willing nothing more earnestly than that in her lifetime her most dear son, our native prince, be placed and inaugurated in the kingdom of this his native country and realm, and be obeyed as king by us and others of his subjects, and being wearied of the great pains and travails taken by her in her government, has by her letters demitted and renounced and given power thereby to demit and renounce the said government of this realm, lieges and subjects thereof, in favour of her said son, our native prince, to the effect he may be inaugurated therein, the crown royal put upon his head, and be obeyed in all things as king and native prince thereof, as her highness's letters passed thereupon bear. Therefore, and because it is one of the most happy things that can come to any people or country to be governed and ruled by their own native king, we, and each one of us, who have subscribed this bond, by the tenor hereof, promise, bind and oblige ourselves faithfully to convene and assemble ourselves at the burgh of Stirling, or any other place to be appointed, to the effect foresaid, and there concur, assist and fortify our said native king and prince to the establishing, planting and placing of him in his kingdom, and putting of the crown royal thereof upon his head; and in the fear of our God, being instructed and taught by his and all other laws, shall give our oath of fidelity for homage and dutiful obedience to be made by us to him during his grace's lifetime, as it becomes faithful, Christian and true subjects to do to their native king and prince. And further, that we shall, with all our strength and forces, promote, concur, fortify and assist to the promotion and establishing of him in his kingdom and government, as becomes faithful and true subjects to their prince, and to resist all who would oppose them thereto, or make any trouble or impediment to him therein, and shall do all other things that becomes faithful and Christian subjects to do to their native king and prince. In witness thereof we have subscribed this bond with our hands, at Edinburgh, the [...] day of […], the year of God 1567.†