Ratification to [David Carnegie], lord Carnegie [of Kinnaird] of his barony of Fern etc.

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the charter made and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal to his majesty's right trusty cousin and councillor David, lord Carnegie of Kinnaird, his male heirs and assignees of the lands and barony of Fern, comprehending the lands contained in the said charter, with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the kirk of Fern, parsonage and vicarage thereof, as well of all lands lying of old within the said parish of Fern as of the parsonage and vicarage of the lands of Waterston, with the pertinents underwritten, namely, of the mains of Waterston, Easter and Wester Hertounes, mill and mill lands of Waterston, Windsor and Blacklawes mortified and annexed to the said kirk, of the date 22 April 1619; the letters of procuratory, disposition and mortification of the teinds of the said lands of Waterston, with the pendicles and pertinents thereof above-written, to the said kirk of Fern and to the parsonage and vicarage thereof made and granted by the late Alexander [Campbell], bishop of Brechin, titular of the parsonage teinds of the said lands, as a part of the patrimony of the said bishopric, and by Robert Kinnear, vicar of the said kirk of Brechin, titular of the vicarage teinds of the said lands, with consent of the dean, canons and chapter of the cathedral kirk of Brechin, of the date in the year 1601, with the charter of mortification following thereupon, made and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal of the date 4 June 1606, with the precepts and instruments of sasine following upon the said two charters and with all infeftments, rights and titles made and granted to David Lindsay of Edzell, the late Sir David Lindsay of Edzell, knight, his father, their predecessors or authors of the aforesaid advocation, donation and right of patronage of the said kirk of Fern, parsonage and vicarage thereof, in all and sundry points, articles and clauses therein contained, after the forms and tenors thereof; and declare this present ratification to be as sufficient in all respects as if the infeftments, rights and titles above-mentioned were at length inserted herein, dispensing with the not inserting thereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.65v-66r. Back