Ratification to [David Murray], lord Scone of his infeftment of Drumduff etc.

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the charter and infeftment granted by his majesty to his highness's trusty councillor David, lord Scone and to his male heirs and of tailzie specified therein, of all and whole the lands and barony of Drumduff, comprehending therein the particular lands, kirks, teinds, offices and superiorities at length specified and contained in the said infeftment, all united and annexed in a whole and free barony called the barony of Drumduff, to be held of his majesty in manner and form mentioned in the said infeftment, as the same infeftment of the date at Whitehall, 29 April 1612, at more length bears, in the whole heads, articles, clauses and conditions therein contained; and will and grant that this present ratification shall be as valid and effectual to the said David, lord Scone and his foresaids as if the said infeftment word for word were inserted herein.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.65r. Back