Procedure: preamble: fencing of parliament

The parliament of the most excellent and illustrious prince and most merciful lord of ours, James, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, held in Edinburgh on 23 July in the year of the Lord 1621 by the foresaid commissioners named below, specially constituted by virtue of the commission under testimony of the great seal dated in Edinburgh on 31 May in the foresaid year 1621, namely Alexander [Seton], earl of Dunfermline, supreme chancellor of the realm of Scotland, George [Seton], earl of Winton, Thomas [Hamilton], earl of Melrose, John [Hay], lord Yester, Alexander [Elphinstone], lord Elphinstone, John [Elphinstone], lord Balmerino, James [Elphinstone], lord Coupar, David [Carnegie], lord Carnegie [of Kinnaird], James [Law], archbishop of Glasgow, [Patrick Forbes], bishop of Aberdeen, Patrick [Lindsay], bishop of Ross, together with Alexander Lauder of Haltoun and David Crichton of Lugton for the minor barons of Lothian, Master Robert Learmonth for the sheriff of Edinburgh, William Hay for the constable, Master William Keith for [George Keith], earl Marischal, and Andrew White, dempster. The suits having been called, the court lawfully fenced.

  1. NAS, PA2/20, f.1v. Back