[1617/5/45]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the gift and provision under the great seal granted by his majesty to and in favour of the reverend father in God Andrew [Knox], bishop of the Isles, of the date at Blandford, 11 August, the year of God 1615, of all and whole the bishopric of the Isles and of the priory of Ardchattan and of the abbacy of Iona united, annexed and incorporated to and with the said bishopric of the Isles, appointed to remain and abide thereat inseparably for ever as a part of the patrimony and property of the said bishopric in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles and conditions specified and expressed in the said gift, holding the same as for expressed herein and to be as good and effectual as if the said gift were at length inserted in this present act. Likewise our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid declare and ordain the foresaid gift and provision to have been and to be a good, perfect and effectual security to the said Andrew, bishop of the Isles and his successors for possessing, enjoying and using of the fruits and rents of the said bishopric, priory and abbacy above-written, temporality and spirituality of the same; and for that effect, have dissolved and dissolve the act of annexation of all kirklands to the crown and all other acts of annexation in so far as the same may be extended to the said bishopric of the Isles, priory of Ardchattan and abbacy of Iona, and to all and whatsoever lands, baronies, kirks, teinds, ferms, rents, casualties and duties pertaining and belonging thereto; and have united and unite and annex the same to the said bishopric of the Isles to remain and abide thereat as a part of the patrimony and property thereof in all time coming, according to the foresaid gift and provision granted to the said Andrew, bishop of the Isles thereupon. And further our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid declare that the said abbacy of Iona and priory of Ardchattan have been past all memory of man proper parts and pertinents of the said bishopric as united and annexed thereto, without prejudice always of all and whatsoever persons' infeftments, tacks, rights and other securities lawfully made to them according to the laws of this realm then standing, and specially of any privilege belonging and due to the bishopric of Dunkeld out of the said priory of Ardchattan and abbacy of Iona, which his highness and estates foresaid find and declare shall not be comprehended under this act.