Ratification in favour of Alexander Moncrieff

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and confirm all and sundry infeftments, rights and securities made by his majesty or his predecessors or any other person or persons whatsoever, to and in favour of his highness's familiar servant Alexander Moncrieff of Falside, master falconer to his majesty, or his authors, their heirs and assignees therein contained, of all and whole the lands of Falside and Milton, the mill of Pittenweem and mill lands thereof, and lands of Gordonshall with their pertinents, all lying within the sheriffdom of Fife, together with all and sundry dispositions, infeftments, gifts, assignations, factories, rights and securities made by his majesty to the said Alexander Moncrieff, of all and whole the tenement of land, with the yard and pertinents thereof, lying within the city of St Andrews, sometime pertaining to Walter Geddie, citizen of the said city, mails and duties thereof, bygone and to come, of whatsoever date or dates, tenor or contents the same be, in all and sundry points, passages, heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever therein contained, after the forms and tenors thereof, with all that has followed or may follow thereupon. Likewise his majesty and estates foresaid decree, statute and ordain that this present general ratification of the infeftments, rights and securities foresaid is and shall be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects as if the said infeftments, rights and securities foresaid were specially and particularly inserted in this present act. Moreover, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid statute and ordain that the infeftments, rights and securities generally above-written, and this present ratification thereof, are and shall be good, lawful, valid and effectual rights and titles to the said Alexander Moncrieff, his heirs and assignees therein contained, for possessing and enjoying of the lands and others above-mentioned, intromitting with, uplifting and conveying upon the mails, ferms profits and duties thereof at their pleasure, of all years and terms bygone and in time coming, according to the tenors of the said infeftments, rights and securities in all points, ordaining [Sir Alexander Hay of Whitburgh], clerk register, and his deputes to extend an act hereupon in due and competent form.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.14r. Back