Ratification in favour of [Sir James Murray], laird of Cockpool of his infeftment of the barony of Cockpool and burgh of Ruthwell

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, having consideration of the manifold good, true and thankful services done to his majesty by his well-beloved Sir James Murray of Cockpool, knight, and by the late Charles Murray of Cockpool, his father, have ratified and approved and, by the tenor hereof, ratify and approve the infeftment made, given and granted by his majesty under his highness's great seal of the date 12 March 1605, to the said late Charles Murray of Cockpool and his male heirs whatsoever bearing the surname and arms of Murray, of all and sundry the lands and others underwritten, namely: the lands of Cockpool, Ruthwell tenement, the tower and fortalice of Comlongon, Cocklicks, Phyllis, Slachwatt, Ranpatrick, Brydekirk, Priestdykes, Howaldsyd, with the pertinents, lying in the stewartry of Annandale and sheriffdom of Dumfries, the lands of Link and lands of Arbigland, with their pertinents, lying within the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, with all their mills, multures, tenants, tenancies and service of free tenants, advocation and donation of kirks and chaplainries thereof and all their pertinents, all united, annexed, treated and incorporated in a whole and free barony called the barony of Cockpool; containing also therein an erection and creation of the town of Ruthwell and lands thereof lying in the said Ruthwell tenement in a free burgh of barony, to be called in all time coming the burgh of Ruthwell, with weekly market days and free fairs and all other immunities, privileges and liberties of a free burgh of barony in all and sundry points, heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever specified and contained therein. And his majesty and estates foresaid of this present parliament will, grant, declare, statute and ordain that the said Sir James Murray, now of Cockpool, knight, son and heir of the said late Charles Murray of Cockpool, and his male heirs and successors, shall peaceably possess, hold, and enjoy all and sundry the foresaid lands and barony and others above-expressed with their pertinents, together with the foresaid burgh of barony called the burgh of Ruthwell, with all privileges and immunities thereof, as their property and heritage at their pleasure, after the form and tenor of the said infeftment granted to the said late Charles Murray of Cockpool and his heirs foresaid of the same perpetually in all time coming, without stop or impediment.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.40v-41r. Back
  2. '10' written in margin beside heading. Back