Ratification in favour of Master John Drummond of his office of clerkship

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the gift of the office of clerkship of the collectory given, granted and conveyed by his majesty to Master John Drummond, servant to Alexander [Seton], earl of Dunfermline and chancellor of this realm, with all fees, casualties, duties, pensions and whatsoever his majesty has conveyed to him belonging thereto, to be possessed and enjoyed by him during his lifetime in the same way and as freely as any other clerk of collectory had, has or shall be known to have possessed the same and others foresaid in any time bygone; and decree and declare the foresaid gift of the said office to be effectual and valid to the said Master John in all heads, articles and clauses thereof, to the effect the said office and others above-specified may be possessed by him without impediment or contradiction during his lifetime as said is; and declare that the said pensions conveyed to the said Master John for discharge of the said office shall after the decease of the said Master John return and be added to the bishop of Ross and his successors as a proper part of the patrimony of the said bishopric and shall in no way appertain to the said clerkship of collectory as a part of the fee or duty of the same in any time hereafter.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f. 71v-72r. Back
  2. '64' written in margin beside heading. Back