Ratification in favour of [Edward Maxwell], young laird of Calderwood of certain tacks of teinds

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm the letter of tack and assedation made and set by Francis [Stewart], sometime earl of Bothwell, then commendator of Kelso, to Edward Maxwell, eldest lawful son to Sir James Maxwell of Calderwood, knight, for all the days of the said Edward's lifetime, and after his decease to his heirs and assignees for the space of 19 years, of all and sundry the teinds, both parsonage and vicarage, of the parish kirk and parish of Carluke; and also the letter of tack and assedation containing an express ratification of the former tack made and set by the late John [Maitland], lord Thirlestane, commendator of Kelso for the time, to the said Edward Maxwell and his foresaids for the space above-written, of all and sundry the foresaid teinds, both parsonage and vicarage; and also the third letter of tack ratifying and approving the two former letters of tack set and made by William [Kerr], now commendator of Kelso, with consent of Andrew Kerr of Romanogrange, his steward, to the said Edward Maxwell and his foresaids for the spaces and years above-rehearsed, of all and sundry the same teinds, both parsonage and vicarage, of the said parish kirk and parish of Carluke, as the same letters of tack and assedation and ratifications thereof in themselves at more length purport, in all and sundry points, heads, articles, clauses, circumstances, conditions and provisions inserted and contained in the forenamed letters of tack and ratifications, or any of them; and find, decree and declare the foresaid letters of tack and ratifications thereof to be good, valid and sufficient rights to the said Edward Maxwell and his foresaids for possessing and enjoying of the said teinds, both parsonage and vicarage, during the whole space, times and years therein mentioned; and will and declare this present ratification and confirmation thereof to be of as great strength, force and effect to the said Edward Maxwell and his foresaids as if the said letters of tack and ratifications thereof were word by word inserted herein; concerning which, his majesty, with advice foresaid, for now and ever by this ratification dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.68v-69r. Back
  2. 'P 56' written in margin beside heading. Back