[1605/6/81]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and confirm, and of new give, grant and convey to a reverend father in God, Peter, bishop of Dunkeld, and to the citizens of the town of Dunkeld the privilege and liberties granted to the bishops of Dunkeld and citizens thereof of before by our sovereign lord's most noble progenitors, of their whole fairs and weekly market in use to be held within the said city and freedoms thereof, with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, toll and customs of the same. And likewise our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, being informed how necessary it is to have a market or fair to stand in and about the said town of Dunkeld at Martinmas [11 November] yearly, being a proper time of the selling of goods for sustentation of our sovereign lord's lieges, where a great number of the highland men of this country would resort rather than to any other part, therefore our said sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament give and grant full liberty to the said reverend father and citizens of the said town of Dunkeld to hold a market and public fair within and about the said city within the freedom thereof, to begin yearly hereafter upon Monday after Martinmas day, being 11 November, and thereafter to continue for the space of eight days with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, toll and customs of the same.