[1605/6/75]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, remembering the many true and thankful services done to his grace and his majesty's most noble progenitors of worthy memory by his highness's dearest cousins and councillors the late John [Hamilton], marquis of Hamilton, father to James, now marquis of Hamilton, and himself, and by George, marquis of Huntly, and their predecessors, and to give them and their posterity the better occasion to continue in the like true, thankful and good service to his majesty and his successors, our said sovereign lord in the month of [April] 1599, created, instituted, erected and inaugurated the said late John, then earl of Arran, lord Hamilton, and George, then marquis† of Huntly, in marquisates, and then gave them the place, honour and dignity of marquises, the said late John to be styled in his lifetime, and after his decease his heirs and successors, marquis of Hamilton, earl of Arran, lord Aven, and the said George, earl of Huntly to be styled in his lifetime, and after his decease his heirs and successors, marquis of Huntly, earl of Enzie, lord Gordon and Badenoch etc., with badge, arms and all other solemnities requisite and then set down in their said creation, and they, their heirs and successors to have from thenceforth in all time coming vote, place and suffrage in all parliaments, conventions, general councils and otherwise as marquises, as at more length is contained in their said creation, institution and erection, which our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid convened in this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm to, and in favour of, the said marquises and their successors; and statute and ordain that they, their heirs and successors shall in all time coming hold, enjoy, possess and use the honours, places, styles, dignities and immunities whatsoever of marquises according to their institution and creation foresaid in all parliaments, conventions, councils and otherwise as marquises, without stop, trouble or impediment ever to be made to them relating thereto; and declares and ordain this ratification to be as sufficient, valid and sufficient and effectual right, title and security to them for possessing and enjoying of the places, styles, honours and dignities of marquises as if their said creation and inauguration had been granted to them in plain parliament, and as if their said creation were word for word inserted herein.