Summary of acts of convention from Haddington Manuscript
Convention of the estates, 7 June 1605

The estates think fit that the art of cloth making be brought in and entertained in this country, and that the first offer thereof be made to the burghs, who, not accepting or not prosecuting the same, that it shall be granted to other undertakers, with all privileges and liberties requisite for furtherance thereof.

Act regarding the urging the burghs with undertaking of the bush fishing, and, in case of their refusal or sloth, that order may be taken by the estates.

Act against the transporting of cattle and sheep.

Against exportation of tanned leather.

Act regarding the prices of boots and shoes, to be set down by the magistrates of burghs and one or two gentlemen of the shire.

Regarding weights and measures, ordaining the act of parliament made thereupon to be put into execution between now and 20 September.

That no shoemakers within burgh tan leather, nor no tanners of leather within burgh have liberty to work the same.

That magistrates of burghs set down yearly prices upon horses, corn and straw.

That all masterful and strong beggars found after 20 August next may be taken by any man, and, being brought to any sheriff, bailie of regality or burgh, and getting them declared masterful beggars, may set his burning iron upon them and retain them as slaves; and, if any of them thereafter escape, the owner may have restitution of them as of other goods.

That noblemen and gentlemen shall have the wines bought by them for their own houses free of the new impost of £14 for each tun upon their ticket and the merchants.

  1. NLS, Adv. Ms. 34/2/2, 'The Haddington Manuscript, minutes of parliament, council and exchecker, collected by E. Haddington' (2 vols), vol. 2, f.345r-v. Back
  2. 'Convention' written in capitals in the margin. Back
  3. 'Cloth making' written in margin. Back
  4. 'Bush fishing' written in margin. Back
  5. 'Cattle and sheep transported' written in margin. Back
  6. 'Tanned leather' written in margin. Back
  7. 'Price of boots and shoes' written in margin. Back
  8. 'Weights and measures' written in margin. Back
  9. 'Shoemakers should not buy tanned leather' written in margin. Back
  10. 'Masterful beggars' written in margin. Back
  11. 'Gentlemens' wines free of the new impost' written in margin. Back