Procedure: Lord Fyvie's proposal to continue parliament; asking of instruments

And thereafter Alexander [Seton], lord Fyvie, chancellor of this parliament, having proposed to the said whole estates then convened if they might continue this present parliament according to the king's grace's letter, except that as they came to the tolbooth upon 26 April last bearing the sword, crown and sceptre, with the rest of the honours and solemnities used in time bygone at the holding of all parliaments within this realm, they likewise should come to the tolbooth bearing the said honours before they might continue this present parliament, and if they think it expedient to be done or not.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.37r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/16, f.37r. Back

The foresaid whole estates, being advised with the foresaid proposition and demand proposed by the said [Alexander Seton], lord Fyvie, chancellor, they all in one voice voted, found and declared that they might continue the said parliament according to the king's majesty's letter without the bearing of any honours, seeing the parliament was not ended nor concluded, and that presently there were no acts, ordinances nor constitutions to be voted and concluded upon which required the bearing the honours and other solemnities to be done before the same may be voted by the estates. Upon the which declaration the said [James Elphinstone, lord Balmerino], lord secretary, and Sir Thomas Hamilton [of Monkland], advocate to our sovereign lord, asked instruments.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.37r. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/16, f.37r. Back