[1600/11/60]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Regarding the supplication given in to our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament by James Wemyss of Bogie and Master John Moncreiffe of Easter Moncreiffe, making mention that where during the absence of the late John [Ruthven], earl of Gowrie, out of this realm, the said James and Master John had the government and management of his whole rents, living and affairs, and in the meantime, by their industry and diligence, relieved diverse great burdens with which the said late earl's living was thirled. And now the whole benefit of the good and faithful discharge of their duty (in respect of the said late earl's horrible treason committed against our sovereign lord at Perth, 5 August last) redounds to his majesty, seeing his whole lands and living are become in his grace's hands, and it was against conscience and equity that the said James and Master John's well doing and faithful discharge of their duty should redound to their hurt and prejudice; and true it is that they are burdened with the sum of 1,100 merks for furnishing advanced by John Robertson, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, to the said late earl and with the sum of 10,800 merks furnished and advanced by Robert Jolie, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, for the said earl's provision, furniture and charges in his returning to this country, whereof received by the said Robert Jolie 2,300 merks, together with the sum of 5,000 merks resting owed to Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar, knight, as for a part of the said earl's sister's tocher, and to a right noble and potent lord, John [Graham], earl of Montrose, chancellor, the sum of 3,000 merks as for the rest of the Master of Montrose's tocher, and with the sum of 500 merks resting owed to certain merchants of Edinburgh furnished by them to the said earl's sisters who were in service with her majesty, which are all true, honest and necessary debts, so that of all equity the said James and Master John ought to be relieved thereof; therefore beseeching our sovereign lord and estates foresaid seeing there is a great part of the said late earl's rents and ferms of the crop and year of God 1599, and the whole ferms of his whole lands and living of the crop and year of God 1600 are yet extant in the tenants' hands and resting owed that the said James Wemyss and Master John Moncrieff may be relieved of the first end of the same, notwithstanding of whatsoever arrestments made or to be made at the instance of whatsoever person or persons, whether the same be written decreets or otherwise; and that the payment to be made to them by the tenants and payers thereof may be a sufficient exoneration and discharge to them, they producing the said James and Master John's acquittance thereupon so far as the said sums extends to, and to that effect that letters may be directed at their instance to charge the said tenants as well of the earldom of Gowrie, lordship of Ruthven, abbacy of Scone as whatsoever other person or persons astricted to pay to the said late earl whatsoever duty, whether the same be teind or otherwise, and that upon a simple charge of [...] days only under the pain of horning, and in case of disobedience to denounce, and as at more length is contained in the said supplication; which being at length read, seen and considered by his majesty and estates and they therewith being ripely advised, our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament find, decree and declare that the said James Wemyss of Bogie and Master John Moncrieff ought to be relieved of the foresaid debts contracted by them for the said late John, earl of Gowrie in manner foresaid and that of the first end of the said late earl's rents and ferms resting owed not taken up of the crops and years of God 1599 and 1600, notwithstanding of whatsoever arrestments made or to be made at whatsoever persons' instances thereupon, and that the payment to be made to them by the tenants and payers thereof shall be a sufficient exoneration and discharge to them, they producing their acquittance thereupon so far as the same sums will extend to. And concerning the quantity and verity of the foresaid debts, manner of payment thereof and out of what special lands and rents pertaining to the said late Earl of Gowrie the same shall be paid to them, his majesty and estates remit the same to the secret council to take order therewith as reason and equity requires and to make the said James and Master John to be paid thereof for their relief in manner foresaid.