[1600/11/29]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament, having at length reasoned regarding the state of the coinage, as the same is presently current within this realm, declare that in this present parliament they will in no way alter the fines nor prices of the coinage, either of gold or silver, but that the same has free passage and course hereafter as it presently gives. And because his majesty and estates understand that there is great scarcity of coinage for the present within this realm, therefore have given power and commission to the lords of his highness's secret council for taking order regarding the importation of bullion, for furnishing of the mint-house and discharging the transporting and exporting of gold, silver and other forbidden gear under the pain of punishment of their bodies and goods according to the discretion of the said commissioners, whereby the country may be furnished with abundance of coinage of such fines and prices as the same presently gives and has passage within this realm. And this act to be published to all our sovereign lord's lieges.