Act regarding the consistory of Aberdeen

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, understanding that the city of the old town of Aberdeen has been of old erected by his majesty's predecessors and founded in the time of Bishop William Elphinstone, great chancellor of this realm for the time, in an ancient town and city for the habitation and remaining of the bishop's seat, college and jurisdiction of officiality and commissary therein, and that by alteration of the residence of the canons forth thereof the said city since the alteration of the religion has these diverse years bygone had no other means nor support but by the jurisdiction of the commissariat and college held within the same; likewise the commissaries of the said commissariat, their clerks and members of court and the principal, subprincipal, regents and remaining members of the said college have ever been in use and custom to remain within the said city of the old town of Aberdeen and to sit and hold the consistory and college therein in all times bygone since the first erection thereof as privileges, immunities and upholds of the said city, and whereof it has been in possession and therewith upheld now and in all times bygone. For preservation of the which ancient city, privileges and immunities thereof, our said sovereign lord, with advice of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and confirms all and whatsoever liberties, privileges, freedoms and immunities granted of old by his majesty's progenitors to the said city of old Aberdeen and inhabitants thereof, and in special annexes in and to the same city of old Aberdeen, for the better maintenance thereof, the foresaid liberties and seats of the consistory and college foresaid to be held within the same in all times coming, after the form and tenor of the erection and foundation thereof and according to the old use and custom had therein of the same. Likewise his majesty, with advice foresaid, statutes and ordains by this present act that the seats of the said commissariat and college foresaid shall sit, hold and remain within the said city of old Aberdeen in all times coming likewise and as freely in all things as the members of the said consistory and college have been in use and custom in all times bygone without any removing or transportation of the same therefrom to the new town of Aberdeen or any other town or place within the diocese of Aberdeen. And to this effect, ordains the lords of council and session to grant and direct letters of horning hereupon at the desire and instance of the provost and bailies of the said city of old Aberdeen charging the commissary of Aberdeen present and to come, their clerks and members of court and the principal, subprincipal, regents, masters and members of the said college of Aberdeen present and to come to sit, hold and continue the said consistorial place and college foresaid within the said city of old Aberdeen and in no way to remove the same consistory or college therefrom to any other town or place within the said bounds under the pain of rebellion and putting of them to the horn; and if they fail, to denounce the disobeyers his majesty's rebels and put them thereto etc.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.78v. Back
  2. This title written in the scratchy hand. Back