Legislation: private act
Act regarding the ministers' houses of Edinburgh etc.

The king's majesty, with advice of his nobility and council presently convened, in respect of the liberty which the ministers of Edinburgh have had by their remaining and habitation together by themselves and their families within the circuit of a close, and sundry treasons, convocations and conspiracies which by that occasion sundry times and of late has been made of noblemen, barons, gentlemen and others of his highness's subjects therein against his majesty, his council and good subjects, has now concluded and resolved that in all times coming the ordinary pastors and ministers of the said burgh shall be lodged within several houses within the same burgh, and that the said houses and whole bounds within the circuit of the said close lately possessed by them shall be possessed in time coming by his majesty or such as his highness shall appoint, through which his majesty at some times as his highness shall have occasion may remain, dine or keep council therein; and that the laigh tolbooth nearest thereto, now called the town's council house, shall be appointed and kept for the exchequer in all times hereafter; and ordains the provost and bailies of the said burgh to clear the said houses and laigh tolbooth and make them patent to this effect with all convenient expedition as they will answer to his highness upon their obedience.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 508. Back
  2. 'a: b:' written in darker ink immediately below the title in the margin. Back