Procedure: discharge of meetings of the kirk within Edinburgh
Discharge of all conventions of the kirk to be held at Edinburgh

The king's majesty, with advice of his nobility and council, for the better observation of his highness's peace, quietness and good order in his estate and country, has thought fit, concluded and resolved that there shall be no general nor synodal assemblies nor no ordinary presbyteries kept nor held in any part within the burgh of Edinburgh in time coming, but either within the town of Musselburgh, Dalkeith or any other town most nearest thereto wherein the commodity may be best offered or necessity shall require. Discharging by this act the persons appointed to represent the said assemblies of all convening within the said burgh of Edinburgh to this effect; as also the provost and bailies of the same burgh of all suffering or permitting of them to assemble herein at any time hereafter as they will answer to his highness upon their obedience at their utmost charge and peril.

  1. NAS, PC1/16, 508. Back
  2. 'a: b:' written in darker ink immediately below the title in the margin. Back