Additional Sources

Procedure: draft legislation
Exceptions from the act entitled 'Annulling of pensions out of the erections since the annexation'

The king's majesty and estates of this present parliament except and reserve from the act touching the annulling of pensions out of the erections since the annexation all pensions and other dispositions made by his majesty to the persons following out of the same, they are to say Ludovic [Stewart], duke of Lennox, William [Melville], commendator of Tongland, Master Peter Young of Seaton, Thomas Erskine of Gogar and his brother, Michael and William Elphinstone, brothers to [Robert Elphinstone], lord Elphinstone, Andrew Melville, master of the household to his majesty, Patrick Murray and Patrick Hume of Polwarth, Alexander Young, one of the ushers of his majesty's chamber, Master Andrew Blackhall, minister at Musselburgh, Master Patrick Galloway and John Dunkieson, ministers to his majesty; and ordain their said pensions and other dispositions foresaid to stand in their full strength notwithstanding the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, immediately after f.58v. This is a single unfoliated sheet, written only on one side. Back
  2. 'erections since the annexation' written in superscript above the deleted 'feu duties and erections made in the same parliament'. Back
  3. 'same' written in superscript above the deleted 'said feu mails and blench duties parliament'. Back
  4. 'this present act' is crossed out. Back