Act in favour of the burgh of Kinghorn

Our sovereign lord, with advice of his estates of this present parliament, ratifies, approves and confirms all and whatsoever acts and statutes of his highness's burghs within this realm tending to the beating and reparation of their walls, streets, harbours and ports, and wills and declares that their said acts shall be put into execution by the provost, bailies and magistrates of the said burghs, and specially the acts, statutes and ordinances of the burghs of the coast side of Fife made regarding the 12d of every boat pertaining to the said burghs that crosses the water of Forth, which is appointed to be paid to the common good of the said burghs for the reparation of their ports and harbours, and that for the space of five years next after the date hereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.46v. Back