Act in favour of [David Cunningham], bishop of Aberdeen

Forasmuch as in the parliament held in the month of July 1587 it was statute and ordained that the prelates within this realm should not be hurt nor prejudiced in the yearly rent and commodities of their benefices enduring their lifetimes, notwithstanding of the annexation of their temporal lands to his highness's crown, according to which, and for satisfaction and recompense of the temporality of the bishopric of Aberdeen, his highness gave and conveyed to David, now bishop thereof, the sum of £400 usual money of this realm, with special immunities and privileges contained therein, as the said letters and gift made and granted to him under the privy seal thereupon at more length purports; which letters of gift his highness, with advice of the estates of this realm in the parliament held on 21 July last, not only ratified and confirmed in all the heads, articles, points and clauses therein contained, but likewise decreed and declared that all tacks and pensions given out of the said bishopric to whatsoever person or persons which then became vacant or shall happen to become vacant by any manner of way enduring his lifetime should accrue and pertain to himself, and likewise gave full power and commission to him to receive the free tenants, feuars and vassals of the said bishopric in the right, title and place of their predecessors, and to make, grant and deliver to them sufficient charters and infeftments under his own seal and subscription. Which infeftments so to be made his highness, with advice foresaid, decreed and declared to be as valid and sufficient as if the same had been granted by his majesty's self under his highness's great seal, as the said letters of gift and act of parliament respectively containing diverse and sundry other heads, clauses and conditions at length bears and purports. Which letters of gift and act of parliament for the causes therein contained, and for diverse and sundry other good causes and considerations moving his highness and the said estates, ratify, approve and for his highness and his successors perpetually confirm in all heads, points, articles, clauses, circumstances, immunities, privileges specified and contained therein after the form and tenor of the same in all points, decree and declare the same to have been from the beginning and likewise to be in all time coming good, valid, effectual and sufficient rights, titles and securities as well to the said David, bishop of Aberdeen during all the days of his lifetime as to the tenants and vassals of the said bishopric, notwithstanding whatsoever act made in this present parliament or at any time heretofore, which in any way shall be hurtful, prejudicial or make derogation to the foresaid act of parliament nor any provision therein contained in any manner of way in time coming; and ordain the said act of parliament (if need be) to be inserted and engrossed herein word by word.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.44r-44v. Back