Regarding the parish of Inverkip and kirk of Greenock

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the act made in the parliament held at Edinburgh, 5 June the year of God 1592 regarding the erection of the parish kirk of Greenock, lately built by John Shaw of Greenock, in all points, heads, circumstances thereof as in the said act at more length is contained; and to the effect that the same may be put into better execution and take full effect, our said sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament have dissolved and divided and by this act dissolve and divide the parsonage and vicarage of Inverkip in two several parishes, parsonages and vicarages, the one thereof to retain the name of the parsonage and vicarage of Inverkip, and the other to be called in all time coming the parsonage and vicarage of Greenock; and the whole teinds, fruits, rents, profits and emoluments of the lands of Greenock, Finnart and Spango, with their pertinents, which were accustomed of before, to be paid to the parsons and vicars of Inverkip and now are designed to the bounds of the said new erected kirk and parish of Greenock, according to the said act of parliament, to appertain to the said parsonage and vicarage of Greenock, without prejudice always of the patron's right or presentation to present the parsons or vicars of both the said parishes when the same shall happen to become vacant, and the said parsonage and vicarage of Greenock to be given to the ministers serving the cure at the said kirk thereof, and the said parsonage and vicarage of Inverkip to be given to the ministers serving the cure at the same; and also decree and ordain that the same division take effect between the said two ministers of Inverkip and Greenock for the crop and year of God 1593, and for this instant crop and year of God 1594, and likewise in all time coming saving the right of anyone.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.42v. Back
  2. APS has corrected this to '[of]'. Back