[A1593/9/2]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king's majesty and estates presently assembled, upon knowledge of the great disorders and unlawful attempts committed as well in England against the peace as against his highness's own obedient and peaceable subjects by avowed thieves, contemptuous rebels, sorners and oppressors inhabiting the countries near the borders and highlands; and his highness and his said estates having advisedly considered of the best remedy for quieting of the disordered subjects and keeping of them in good rule and obedience, find the laws and acts of parliament already made thereof perfect and sufficient, the same being duly put into execution, specially the act made in the parliament held at Edinburgh upon 29 July 1587 for the quieting and keeping in obedience of the disorderly persons, inhabitants of the borders, highlands and isles, and therefore ordain letters to be directed charging all landlords and bailies of the lands on the borders and in the highlands where broken men have dwelt or presently dwells that have not already found surety, or not sufficient sureties, that they find caution and surety, landed men in the lowlands for relieving of his highness and his wardens at the hands of the English wardens for all unlawful attempts against the peace, and to make their men, tenants and servants (whom they are bound to answer for by the general bond) answerable to justice and satisfy parties damaged according to the said laws and general bond within 15 days next after the charge under the pain of rebellion; and if they fail etc., to denounce etc.