Confirmation to the burgh of Edinburgh of their annualrents

Our sovereign lord, with advice of his estates in parliament, has ratified and approved and by the tenor of this present act ratifies and approves the act made of before in the parliament held at Edinburgh, 5 June the year of God 1592 in favour of the provost, bailies, council and community of the burgh of Edinburgh, by which our said sovereign lord and his estates foresaid then ratified and approved the donations and mortifications made by his highness's late dearest mother in her perfect age and by his highness's self at diverse times since his majesty's coronation of all lands, tenements, annualrents, other profits and commodities whatsoever mentioned in the said act which were given and endowed for sustentation of the ministry, hospitals and college of the said burgh, as at more length is contained in the said act in all points, clauses, articles and circumstances thereof, which are held for expressed in this present act. In addition, our said sovereign lord and his said estates revoke, retreat and rescind all and sundry infeftments, gifts and dispositions made by our said sovereign lord to whatsoever person or persons of the said lands, tenements, annualrents, other duties and commodities whatsoever since the dates respectively of the infeftments, gifts and dispositions made thereof, to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Edinburgh for sustentation of the said ministry, hospitals and college, and declares the same, with all that followed thereupon, to be in all times coming and to have been in all times bygone null and of no value and that the persons, obtainers of the said infeftments, gifts and dispositions, shall never be heard to move action nor quarrel thereupon nor found any exception or defence by virtue thereof against the said provost, bailies, council and community and their successors, to the effect that they in all times hereafter, without any impediment or obstacle, may peaceably hold the said lands, tenements, annualrents, other emoluments and profits, to the use to which they were given of before as said is.


  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.20r-20v. Back
  2. The letters 'V.P.' written in the margin. It appears that this has either been crossed out or changed to 'F' by two strokes across the top of the letter. Back
  3. APS reads 'and of no value, force nor effect', which is taken from the contemporary printed collection of acts, Sir John Skene, Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James the First and his successors Kings of Scotland - The XIII Parliament, halden at Edinburgh, the aucht daie of Junij, the yeir of God, ane thousand, five hundreth, foure score fourtene yeirs (Edinburgh, 1597), p.140. Back
  4. 'Particulars' written in the margin between these acts. Back