Ratification to John Chisholm, comptroller of the ordinance

Forasmuch as our sovereign lord understands that [Mary], his highness's dearest mother of good memory, gave and conveyed heritably after her perfect age and general ratification heritably in feu ferm to his highness's beloved servant John Chisholm, comptroller of his highness's artillery, all and whole his highness's lands called the King's Wark in Leith, with houses, buildings, closes and all other places and pertinents thereof, back and fore, lying within the said town of Leith and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, as at more length is contained in the infeftment made to him thereof of the date at Edinburgh, 21 October 1564, and of his mother's reign the 22nd year, the which infeftment and disposition made as said is his highness's dearest mother of good memory ratified and approved to the said John, his heirs and assignees after her said perfect age, in all points, clauses and articles, as the said act of parliament held at Edinburgh, 19 April 1567, in itself at length purports; the which infeftment of feu ferm made to the said John, his heirs and assignees, and ratification and confirmation of the dates respectively foresaid, our sovereign lord has ratified and approved in all and whatsoever clauses, conditions and articles, as his highness's charter under his great seal of the date at Holyroodhouse, 22 May 1588, at more length bears; therefore his highness, with advice of his estates in this present parliament, for the reasonable causes contained in the said first infeftment and ratification thereof, and for the good and faithful service done to him by the said John, ratifies, approves and confirms the said first infeftment given and conveyed to him, his heirs and assignees, and the said act of parliament and ratification of the said infeftment contained therein, together with his said highness's charter of confirmation of the premises of the dates respectively above-written, in all and sundry points, passages, privileges, clauses and conditions contained therein, or any one thereof; and statutes and ordains that the said John and his foresaids shall possess and enjoy in all time hereafter the forenamed lands called the King's Wark, with all bounds, meiths and marches, after the form and tenor of his said first infeftment, without any revocation, contradiction or impediment to be made to him or them in any way in time coming, renouncing, quitclaiming and discharging, for his highness and his successors, all action and instance his highness had, has or may have against the said John or his foresaids regarding the premises forever by this ratification; and moreover, ordains this ratification to be of as great force and effect to the said John and his foresaids as if the said first infeftment granted to him by his highness's dearest mother, and the said act of parliament containing the ratification and confirmation thereof, together with the confirmation granted by his highness of the said infeftment and act of parliament, had been word by word and expressly inserted herein.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.57r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back