Act regarding the union of the kirk of Forteviot to the old college of St Andrews

Forasmuch as the parsonage of Forteviot, with the whole fruits thereof, lying within the diocese of St Andrews and sheriffdom of Perth, was, in the days of our sovereign lord's most noble progenitor King James IV of good memory, annexed to the college of St Salvador within the city of St Andrews for sustaining of a prebendary to serve and sing in the choir, which manner of service being abrogated by the laws of this realm, our sovereign lord, by his special letters under the privy seal, appointed and ordained whatsoever benefices and prebendaries annexed and founded within the said college of before for singing and serving in the said choir to be applied to the use and commodity of the provost, masters and regents of the said college, professors of letters and instructors of the youth, as in the said letters at more length is contained, by virtue of the which and of the said old annexation the said provost, masters and regents have been in possession of the said parsonage, and now our sovereign lord, for the zeal and affection which his majesty bears to the promotion of good letters within the said college, with advice of the estates of this present parliament, has of new annexed, united and incorporated and, by the tenor of this present act, annexes, unites and incorporates the said parsonage of Forteviot, fruits, profits and emoluments thereof whatsoever, to the said college, to remain therewith for perpetual memory for sustentation of the provost, masters, regents, bursars and founded persons therein, to be used and distributed by the common advice and consent of the said provost and remaining masters to the well, profit and commodity of the said college accordingly as their necessity shall require, providing always that the minister serving the cure at the said kirk be sustained upon the fruits of the vicarage so far as the same may extend and the surplus to be taken out of the fruits of the said parsonage.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back