Act in favour of [Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchnoull], justice clerk, touching the recognition of Ochiltree

Our sovereign lord, now after his perfect age of 21 years complete, with advice of the three estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the infeftment made by his majesty to his well beloved clerk and councillor Sir Lewis Bellenden of Auchnoull, knight, justice clerk, his heirs and assignees, of all and whole the lordship and barony of Ochiltree, with the tower, fortalice and manor place, yards, orchards, meadows, wards, parks and the Daling Holme mill, mill lands, mill holme, woods and fishings thereof, with the rights of patronages, advocation, donation of benefices and all other parts, pendicles and pertinents justly known to appertain thereto, with tenants, tenantries, services of free tenants and union and annexation of old and of new of the whole lands specially contained therein, united in one barony and lordship called the lordship and barony of Ochiltree in all time coming, with the dispensation of the sasine taken or to be taken in the same at the place and tower of Ochiltree for the said whole lordship, coming in his highness's hands and at his gift and disposition by alienation of the whole or most part thereof by the proprietors of the same for the time without his majesty's or his predecessors' consent had thereto, as at more length is contained in the infeftment aforesaid, together with the whole clauses and conditions thereof as are mentioned therein especially; and likewise ratifies and approves the said Sir Lewis's sasine also taken thereupon and decreet of recognition pronounced by the lords of council at the instance of the said Sir Lewis in the said matter; and wills and declares that the same infeftment shall be as sufficient to the said Sir Lewis, his heirs and assignees, for possession of the said lordship and barony, lands and others specially contained therein as if the said infeftment, with all clauses and conditions thereof, had been given by his majesty after his perfect age of 21 years and as the said decreet of recognition had preceded the said infeftment, supplying with all faults; and that the said act be extended in the most ample and large form by [Alexander Hay of Easter Kennet], clerk register, and his deputes.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.120v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back