[1585/12/80]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Our sovereign lord and his three estates of parliament specially declare that under his majesty's general revocations made in parliament and secret council is, and shall be, specially comprehended the pretended infeftment or infeftments of feu ferm or others made by his highness in his less age to William Stewart of Fyntillach, his heirs and assignees heritably, of all and sundry the lands of Almerlands, extending to a ten pound land of old extent, lying within the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, as being set in hurt of his office, in prejudice and hurt of William Douglas of Drumlanrig and kindly tenant, tacksman and possessor thereof, and therefore declare, decree and ordain that all and sundry the said infeftments, with the precepts and instruments of sasine following thereupon, have been from the beginning, are, and shall be in time coming, of no strength, force and effect.