Legislation: private act
Act in favour of Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington, knight

Concerning the supplication presented to our sovereign lord and his three estates in this present parliament by Sir Richard Maitland of Lethington, knight, making mention that where in a parliament held at Edinburgh on 20 October 15[79], in our sovereign lord's young age, there was an act made therein discharging all action of plunder, ejection, violence and profits that had or might follow thereupon, which the said Sir Richard had or might pursue against the late Captain David Home of Fishwick, knight, and his accomplices, for plundering and ejecting him out of his place, mains and lands of Lethington and whatsoever his intromission therewith, goods and gear being thereupon or within his said place, as in the said act at more length is contained, which act was made expressly against all laws, the said Sir Richard, the party, not being called thereto nor his cause heard nor discussed in any way of before, neither yet was there any fault or crime committed by him whereby any his lands or goods might have been taken from him, nor ever before, nor since was he called or convicted of any such crime, and so it may not stand with equity nor yet of our sovereign lord's conscience that the said act may or should stand or take effect against the said Sir Richard, likewise at more length is contained in the said supplication; wherefore our said sovereign lord, moved in conscience, with advice of his three estates convened in this present parliament, discharges, retreats and annuls the said former act of parliament made in favour of the said Sir David and restores and reinstates the said Sir Richard, his heirs and executors and assignees fully against the same act and whole contents thereof, and declares and ordains him and his aforesaids to have as good action and likewise process and execution against the heirs and executors of the said late Sir David and other persons, his assisters, whom against the said Sir Richard may have action competent therefore, likewise as if the said act had never been made nor put in register, discharging the said Sir David and his accomplices thereof as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.17v-18r. Back